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Open Call FBRTG01 for smaller scale activities - travel grants was intended to support short-term initiatives in a partner country with a clear bilateral profile. Supported are activities aiming at strengthening bilateral relations between the Donor States and Slovakia, the search for partners for donor partnership projects prior to or during the preparation of a project application, development of such partnerships and the preparation of an application a donor partnership projec as well as networking, exchange, sharing and transfer of knowledge, technology, experience and best practice
Summary of the results
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic travel restrictions, only three (3) out of five (5) contracted travel grants took place.
Touch4IT and PANARA participated in Oslo Innovation Week 2019, where many bilateral meetings took place. Both companies are eligible applicants under the Business and Innovation Programme where the main call is expected to be launched in 2021. Study trip of the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra to Tromso was successful, Memorandum on cooperation was concluded with the Arctic University of Norway and an Erasmus+ contract was prepared.