Information provision and implementation of innovative approaches to cross-border cooperation between Slovakia and Ukraine

Project facts

Project promoter:
Center of social and psychological sciences SAS
Project Number:
Target groups
Civil servants/Public administration staff,
Researchers or scientists
Final project cost:
From Norway Grants:
€ 140,321
The project is carried out in:
Košický kraj


The project is focused on increasing the efficiency of cross- border cooperation between regions of the neighboring countries on the one hand and also Carpathian region as a whole Objective - is to collect and analyze quality, reliable and complete information on the forms, methods and results of operations of the Barents Euro -Arctic Council and the Regional Council and its application for the decision-makers in Slovakia and Ukraine, using practical experience and it application. Outcome - Cross-border information flow improved Outputs-1.Research of political, legal, economic, financial , institutional backgrounds of the North European international institutions - the Barents Euro- Arctic Council and the Barenth Regional Council. 2.Learning from the activity and the practices of Norwegian- Russian and Slovak- Ukrainian border cooperation actors. 3.Preparation of practical recommendations for state and local governments, civil society in Slovakia and Ukraine on the effective implementation / application of the experience gained from the Barents Euro- Arctic Council and the Barenth Regional Council. Target groups are civil servants/public administration staff, researchers or scientists and non governmental organisation The donor partner of the project will be the Prague Institute for Stability and Development (ISD). Partner will participate in activities of the project. It will be responsible for organizing the work on preparing and publishing the practical recommendations on the application. The partnership will achieve establishment a fruitful cooperation not only of the project partners, but also other actors of CBC among Carpathian countries. This also will allow broadly introduce the implementation and results of the project.

Summary of project results

Aims of the project was: 1. obtaining and analyzing authentic, high-quality and complete information on the forms, methods and results of the Barents Euro- Arctic Council and the Barenth Regional Council activity; 2. development for the managing authorities from Slovakia and Ukraine the practical recommendations on its implementation/application to improve the efficiency of cross-border cooperation between border regions of these countries, in particular, and in cross-border region of the Carpathians, in general; provide materials and inspiration for the training of key actors in CBC; 3. to promote dialogue among public, economic and civic actors related to transborder cooperation. The main results of the joint work were represented in publication materials and on the website ( Project´s outcomes: 1. Conference proceedings: 2. Analytical material (3 languages): 3. Studies (3 languages): 4. Practical recommendation (3 languages): 5. Outcomes from sociological research (3 languages):6. Promotional materials (3 languages): Presentations: Kick-off meeting in Košice (14 October 2016), Working meeting with Norwegian Partner in Kirkenes (8.-12 November 2016, 8. - 11 March 2017, Presentation of the visit in Norway (25 November 2016), International conference in Uzhorod (13 December 2017), Press conference Uzhorod (21 December 2016), Presentation of the project´s results in Prešov (20 April 2017), Presentation of the results in Uzhorod (26 April 2017) and in Košice (28 April 2017). After the implementation of the project - "Information support and implementation of innovative approaches to CBC of Slovakia and Ukraine" the presentation of the project was made in Uzhhorod on the meeting with the Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Norway to Ukraine – Ole Terje Horpestad; in October 2017 - meeting with the Ambassadors of the Visegrad countries in Uzhhorod attended by Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassadors: Hungary in Ukraine; Slovak Republic, Poland and the Czech Republic. More details online (

Summary of bilateral results

The main achievements, results of the project on a bilateral level will target central, including the MFAs, regional authorities and local authorities from the border regions of Slovakia and Ukraine.Other beneficiaries are businessmen and the institutions of civil society at border regions that have foreign relations with the partners. Regional development agencies that are implementing policies in the field of crossborder cooperation and in tourism, environment, economic and social development, those that will also benefit from most efficient  data. Among the beneficiaries also, no doubt, will be research institutions, universities with the research agenda associated with crossborder cooperation studies, as well as the mass media from border area. The bilateral partnership is a great opportunity to exchange of experiences and establishing good partnerships where input from both parties are necessary to achieve the objectives of the project. In this case project achieved the goals in the implementation of the common project. The project entitled “Providing information and implementation of innovative methods in cross-border cooperation between the Slovak Republic and Ukraine” (CBC01030) within programme area Cross-border cooperation, aimed at reducing existing barriers in cross-border cooperation according to a model of Nordic countries. Implementation of work experience of Northern European authorities aimed to increase the efficiency of Slovak-Ukrainian cross-border cooperation.