Eyes on Migrants (EoM) – Solidar and inclusive communities for immigrants in Romania

Project facts

Project promoter:
Ecumenical Association of Churches in Romania(RO)
Project Number:
In implementation
Initial project cost:
Other Project Partners
Asociatia Novapolis - Centrul de Analize si Initiative pentru Dezvoltare(RO)
Institutia Prefectului judetului Caras – Severin(RO)
Institutia Prefectului judetului Timis(RO)

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The purpose of the project is to promote the active implication and a tolerant, solidarity and acceptance attitude in protecting the human rights and the equal treatment of immigrants, especially the asylum seekers and refugees, through cooperation both at the level of the local communities and through awareness and communication campaigns regarding immigration among children and young people. According to the General Inspectorate for Immigration, in 2018 there was a number of over 70.000 foreigners in Romania coming for different purposes: studies, work, family reunification, commercial activities. Around 3.000 refugees or foreigners with subsidiary protection are in Romania. The National studies (Barometer for the Integration of Immigrants) and European studies (Eurobarometer’s) show that the general attitude of Romanians towards immigration is oriented in two main directions: tolerance or disapproval. Through this project we will contribute to the demystification of some misconceptions about the immigration and to the improvement of their integration process in Romania.

The beneficiaries of the project will be young people and children that will participate in various activities, the main purpose being to understand and accept the presence of the immigrants in the society, teachers, who will acquire information on how to counteract the most negative aspects regarding the immigration, representatives of mass media and communication departments public authorities and other members of the local authorities. The NGO partner has a large experience in implementing projects regarding the raise of awareness of the immigration problematic among the population and, the local authorities partners will promote the model of good practice regarding the migrants integration at the local level among other institution and public authorities.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.