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Romania has problems in applying gender equality legislation, especially regarding access to health and combating gender violence. 1 out of 4 women were assaulted by their partner, 75% of these cases being unreported. Romania occupies the first place in European Union in deaths caused by cervical cancer, last place in gender equality in health, and the highest level on the mortality rate preventable through healthcare. The project proposes a rights-based approach to women''s health and safety and aims to promote gender equality and to combat violence by improving the intervention of authorities regarding safety and health of women. Organizing awareness and consultation activities for 360 women from 6 disadvantaged communities will contribute to inform citizens about the rights to safety and health. The advocacy campaign will increase the capacity of the beneficiaries to identify report and oppose the institutional practices that cause the poor implementation of the legislation in the field of women''s health and safety. By proposing 2 local methodologies of intervention on health and safety and their extrapolation at national level, the project will strengthen the role of FILIA in advocacy activities for gender equality. NGOs in the field of gender equality have low capacity to work in communities, and local ones and activists from disadvantaged communities have little knowledge regarding gender equality. A training will be organized for local representatives from civil society who will be trained in the field of gender equality and in methods of advocacy and monitoring. The capacity of local civil society will be increased in order to address issues related to gender equality and FILIA''s ability to monitor and advocate locally. The Norwegian partner will bring added value by holding a thematic session on community organizing for local representative of civil society and through the exchange of good practices with FILIA.
Summary of project results
The project addressed the gaps in putting into practice the legislation regarding gender equality, especially aspects related to women health and safety (gender-based violence) that mostly affect women belonging to vulnerable groups (considering ethnic, social status, level of education, rural areas).
Within the project there were unfolded activities to improve the authorities’ intervention regarding health and safety of women in six underserved communities; to provide information about the rights to safety and health; to increase the capacity beneficiaries to identify, report and oppose the institutional practices with impact on women''s health and safety. More than 1000 persons were involved in project activities (trainings, information sessions, consultative processes, meetings); 2 reports were issued about women health and safety and there were elaborated 2 methodologies for improving authorities’ collaboration and intervention for women health and safety; 201 persons from the vulnerable groups were mobilised in advocacy actions and 380 persons were involved in consultative processes.
The project created the framework for the consultation of the target group in order to identify problems and empowered participants for interaction with local authorities. The methodologies, the results obtained from their implementation and recommendations for the local authorities were disseminated at national level toward County Councils, Public Health Directions and General directions for Social Assistance and Child Protection. Participants (women) met for the first time with representatives of local authorities and gain confidence to discuss with the mayor, social assistants etc. to bring into their attention their needs and problems. The partener Rabea Movement Norway contributed with a training community organizing and integrative gender approach.
The whole activity of the project in supporting civic engagement of women in vulnerable communities was illustrated in a video documentary .
Summary of bilateral results
The partner provided training on community organization and integrative gender approach. The training was highly appreciated by the participants due to the examples from personal experience provided by the Norwegian expert.