Ekodedina/Екосело (Ecovillage)

Project facts

Project promoter:
Hriňovská energetická, Ltd.
Project Number:
Target groups
Civil servants/Public administration staff,
Young adults
Final project cost:
From Norway Grants:
€ 226,214
The project is carried out in:
Košický kraj


Due to the backwardness of the border region, the building of the viable, sustainable and self-sufficient communities is key to enhancing the development of the region and exploiting its untapped potential, which lies mainly in tourism. Diversity of fauna and flora in the region, forests, natural attractions, cultural heritage and in particular villages scattered around the area constitutes an important precondition for the development of green tourism in Prešov region, Košice region, as well as in the Transcarpathian Ukraine. Objective - creating of active partnership network to support ecovillages development, promote of green tourism attractions, as well as raise awareness of the need to build sustainable communities exploiting renewable energy in the border region and beyond its borders. Achievements - 1. Project report, Partnership agreements, 2. Feasibility study of sustainability in the border region, information centers, video spots, brochures, website, etc. 3. Photo documentation of the MEC roadshow and workshops, workshops atendee list Outputs - support for building of ecovillages (ecocommunities) in the border region and beyond its borders, increasing public awareness on the importance of sustainable human activities and the use of renewable energy, promotion and development of eco-tourism in the border region and beyond its borders Target groups are civil servants/public administration staff, young adults and entrepreneurs. Role of partners is to contribute to the achievement of all project results. All Ukrainian partners will provide consultation services for local mayors, as well as active concerned individuals and organizations in the border region to gradually build sustainable self-sufficient ecovillages within their region. The further cooperation is expected not only at the implementation of common procedures within development of ecovillages initiatives and promotion of ecotourism, but also in other areas.

Summary of project results

Their aim is the regeneration of the environment and society in 4 dimensions - ecological, economic, social and cultural. Due to the backwardness of the border region is building of the viable, sustainable and self-sufficient communities key to enhancing the development of the region and exploiting its untapped potential, which lies mainly in tourism. Increasing the attractiveness of the region, however requires a conscious approach, cooperation between the local residents, administrations and other involved organization, as well as the active promotion of the region. Successful example of developed ecovillage community in Central and Eastern Europe is the small village Zaježová in the Central Slovakia. It has become a popular place for domestic and foreign ecotourists and a its education centre which was built from ecomaterials last years is growing in importance, too. The project Ekodedina/Екосело aimed at creating of active partnership network to support ecovillages development, promote of green tourism attractions, as well as raise awareness of the need to build sustainable communities exploiting renewable energy in the border region and beyond its borders. There was set up a website which informed about planned, ongoing and past activities. On a website there are also published promotional materials. In the mobile education centre there were brochures available about sustainable way of life and many interesting exhibits used when producing energy from green sources. Also there were promotional materials gived out, mainly for children attending activities. Mayors were presented with the idea of the project during the meetengs with aim to support sustainable living in their own villages. Videos promoting natural and cultural heritage of the region were made. On the tourism trade shows there were people presented with materials supporting the beauty of border region. There were 4 information centers opened which are promoting sustainable way of life and educate people who show interest in eco-tourism and green practices.

Summary of bilateral results

Partner from Norway represented a network of more than 200 experts in various fields of expertise. Its activities focuses mainly on the transfer of know-how in the preparation of international projects - sustainable environmental solutions based on renewable energy sources. Partner has also extensive know-how associated with the preparation of educational, information and promotional activities. Partner strongly contributed to the successful project implementation by elaboration of a document mapping eco-villages in Europe and by providing consultations. Due to the wider focus of partner on different sectors and due to the successful project cooperation this bilateral partnership strengthtened cooperation in transfering of know-how and innovative approaches also in other areas beyond the promotion of renewable energy sources, for example in the ecovillages building initiatives in the border region (know-how from Western and Northern Europe), promoting of ecotourism in the border region (in Northern Europe) and implementation of environmental BAT in Slovakia and Ukraine.