PERIFEERIA - The Political Theatre Platform 2021-2022

Project facts

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PERIFEERIA – THE POLITICAL THEATER PLATFORM 2021 - 2022 is an artistic project addressing the core theme of Marginalization and which aims to investigate the standard of living and social inclusion through access to education, culture and health. The three specific topics documented and analyzed through the theater productions, creative workshops and public debates are: the inclusion of non-typical persons (with different abilities, special educational needs, autistic spectrum disorders, etc.), the inclusion of people with a different gender identity and sexual orientation and with functional illiteracy. The project starts in Bucharest with a TRAINING OF TRAINERS session - ToT ("ViewPoints" - 2 modules of continuous professionalization for the O2G artists, developed in partnership with the Norwegian partner), and will continue mainly in three deindustrialized towns - Turnu Măgurele, Zalău, Bârlad. The core activities are: three new contemporary theatre productions, artistic research, residences, creative workshops and a national season of political theater – the 3 new productions together with 8 performances previously produced by O2G (audiences focused on marginal communities, different from those directly involved in the present research) – Bucharest, Turnu Magurele - Craiova, Zalau - Cluj, Barlad - Iasi). Artists explore, document, and create artistic products that provide insight into the quality of life and the possibilities for improving it in deprived areas. The starting point will be the real stories collected during research. Each step of the creation process for the three new productions will benefit from a research and a creative residence, hosted in the intervention centers, where documentary workshops, dramatic workshops, music workshops, scenography, video and new media will take place – selected based on the topics addressed and their scenic representation. Artistic residencies will result in 3 contemporary theater plays and 3 theater productions. 

Summary of project results

The project " PERIFEERIA - Political Theatre Platform 2021-2022" aimed to facilitate access to culture and develop the capacity for (self)representation through theater for socially, economically and culturally marginalized groups and categories.

PERIFEERIA – THE POLITICAL THEATER PLATFORM was an artistic project addressing the core theme of marginalization and which investigated the standard of living and social inclusion through access to education, culture, and health. The three specific topics documented and analyzed through the theater productions, creative workshops and public debates were: the inclusion of non-typical persons, the inclusion of people with a different gender identity and sexual orientation and with functional illiteracy. The activities included: three new contemporary theatre productions, artistic research, residences, creative workshops, and a national season of political theater – the 3 new productions together with 8 performances previously produced by O2G. The starting point were real stories collected during the research. 

The project activities resulted in 3 contemporary theater plays and 3 theater productions. The project gathered 5274 participants for 58 theater performances.

Summary of bilateral results

The project included online training sessions with peer professionals from Norway: Training of Trainers Viewpoints/ Composition held by Per Bogstad Gulliksen.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.