NEMESIS - the Novel Elaborated Model of the Enhanced Sexual Assault Investigation System

Project facts

Project promoter:
Regional Police Headquarters in Poznan(PL)
Project Number:
Final project cost:
Donor Project Partners:
University of Oslo(NO)


The main objective of the project is to increase the capacity of the services of the law enforcement agencies and all institutions of the "justice chain" in preventing and combating crimes against sexual freedom, human trafficking and related crimes, such as forced prostitution and profiteering from someone else''s prostitution.
The aim of the project is to increase knowledge and skills of officers of public institutions at all stages of combating sexual crime. Activities include: traning seminars, expert meetings,equipping the Forensic Laboratory in Poznań. The participants of the project will be recruited from 17 regional police headquarters, the National Police Headquarters, courts, prosecutor''s offices, local authorities, scientific institutions from such countries as Norway, Germany, the Netherlands.

Gender equality is relevant in case of this project, because Project Promoter will ensure equal access to trainings for male and female police officers. Indicator related to trainings will be monitored and disaggregated by gender.

Summary of project results

The persistence of a high number of crimes against sexual freedom (about 1400 rapes reported annually between 2016 and 2019), as well as the phenomenon of human  trafficking which is associated with profiting from someone else''s prostitution, was the main motive for the project. 

Need for highly specialised equipment was identified, as well as need for exchange of a knowledge and experiences.

Thanks to the project following activites were implemented:

  • Organisation of expert meetings in the field of genetics;
  • Organisation of sexual offence training seminars for over 400 officers;
  • The Forensic Laboratory of the Voivodship Police Headquarters in Poznań has been equipped with a specialised research line for genetic testing, making it possible to carry out quick and effective forensic examinations in cases of sexual offences;
  • A methodology and algorithm for investigating sexual offences has been developed, especially for complex crimes.

Project provided police with modern technical equipment for genetic testing, as well as the opportunity for exchange of knowledge at the institutional level, between the Police services, representatives of the prosecutor''s office, courts, Border Guard, non-governmental organisations and scientific community from Poland and abroad, the knowledge and experience potential of the institutions involved in preventing and combating sexual crimes were increased.

The aim of the project was to increase knowledge and skills of officers of public institutions at all stages of combating sexual crime:

- investigative level - through raising officers'' awareness of securing evidence and receiving a notification of a crime,

- combating criminal groups that are involved in human  trafficking and forced prostitution, both domestically and internationally,

- to conduct genetic testing of evidence from sex crimes. Equipping the Forensic Laboratory in Poznań with equipment constituting a research line for genetic testing of evidence from sexual crimes and training of experts from the Laboratory of Genetics of all regional headquarters will contribute to speeding up the performance of expert analyses and will improve their quality.

Thanks to the project, experts from forensic laboratories were able to gain knowledge from recognised authorities in the area of genetic testing from Norway, Germany, the Netherlands and the best Polish research centres

Summary of bilateral results

Cooperation with the University of Oslo enabled the Polish police to learn about the legal model applicable in Norway for investigating and prosecuting sexually motivated crimes in court.During the project implementation phase seminar with participation of Norwegian partner was organised.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.