Coalition for Volunteering

Project facts

Project promoter:
Bethany Social Services Foundation(RO)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
Donor Project Partners:
Norges Frivilligsentraler(NO)
Other Project Partners
Cluj-Napoca Volunteer Center Association(RO)
Community Support Foundation(RO)
Pro Vobis Association - National Resource Center for Volunteering(RO)


The concept of "volunteering" has developed exponentially in Romania following the appearance of the Volunteering Law 78/2014 and Law no. 175/2016, as a result of the activity of NGOs. More and more NGOs have decided to move from the "informal" model to the "organized and certified" one and to comply with the law. FSS Bethany (Project Promoteur) and its project partners have directly contributed to the steps leading to the enactment of the law being nationally recognized. Unfortunately, the law was not supplemented by the new methodology and rules established. Moreover, support and promotion efforts have been diminished in recent years as organizations lose hope in this process. But now, through this project, we want to resume the process of standardizing the law and complete it with the application methodology, relevant documents and the set of forms. We will consult the citizens and the NGO sector on the needs identified in the last 5 years by applying law 78/2014 and we will improve this field after this whole process. The secondary legislative package obtained will be promoted among the decision-makers and will be presented to the related institutions. We will create an online platform that will also have an "online secretariat", in addition to the full set of working forms and guidelines that will be available to those interested. In addition, we will organize online training sessions (webinars) and increase the capacity of volunteer centers in the country to become points of contact and dialogue with local authorities. The project and its results will be promoted through a national conference that will also aim to professionalize the voluntary sector in areas related to advocacy and local activities.


Summary of project results

The Coalition for Volunteering is a necessary response to the need for regulation regarding the application of the Law on Volunteering for NGOs and institutions that work with volunteers. Although the law has been in existence since 2014, it has not been supplemented with methodological norms, which has led to different approaches in the sector but also to a potential for abusive situations.

Through this project, it was proposed to resume the consultation process of citizens and the NGO sector regarding the needs identified in the last 5 years through the application of law 78/2014 and the improvement of this field after the entire process.

8 regional consultation events were organized, with over 300 participants ( 178 NGOs and 43 public institutions). Following the consultations with the representatives of the sector, it was proposed to modify one of the initially proposed results, namely the methodological rules for applying the Volunteering Law with analysis, substantiation and formulation of proposals for Law no. 78/2014 on the regulation of volunteering activity in Romania. This is a public policy document that includes recommendations regarding the amendment of the law so that it corresponds to the needs of the sector and leads to a systemic development of the voluntary movement. 8 meetings were organized with local decision-makers, 5 volunteer centers and 2 central institutions were involved in supporting the legislative approach. 1 proposal to amend the Law on Volunteering was submitted to the SGG and then to the relevant ministries, 2 public position documents disseminated in the mass media and at the level of relevant institutions.42 collaboration agreements with NGOs and institutions
were concluded for the development of the network of partnerships at the local/national level in the field of volunteering. 8 debates at the local level were organized to clarify and propose solutions for specific issues, the design of the platform, the processing of information and online resources (template forms, legislation) and the holding of webinars on topics of interest to the voluntary sector. The platform has the role of a virtual resource center. A conference with international participation was organized - Advocacy for volunteering, with 64 participants, including 5 international participants. For the development of the coalition''s identity, a strategic planning process was organized, 1 set of strategic planning documents, 1 set of norms, processes, procedures, standards, instruments and 2 public position documents. A study visit was organized in Norway, 8 participants in the study visit, 3 working meetings held by the Norwegian partner. A series of training sessions were organized for members on issues like advocacy & social media communication and fundraising, for a number of 40 participants.

Summary of bilateral results

The collaboration with the Norwegian partner - Norges Friviligsentraler involved the exchange of expertise in the field of volunteering. Online meetings were organized between the members of the project team and experts of Norges Frivilligsentraler, with the aim of presenting the objectives and activities of the Coalition for Volunteering project. A study visit was organized. It was a real success for all the members involved, maximizing the time allocated for topics such as the financing of volunteer activities, volunteer management, collaboration with public authorities, etc. Two members of the team of the Norwegian partner took part at the international conference VOLARE, as speakers.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.