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The issue is the urgency to respond to Climate Changes and its effects. The objective of the Project is to develop a Climate Change Adaptation Plan on a local scale. The project aims to carry out a detailed diagnosis at municipal level in Almodovar, deepening the knowledge about current and future local vulnerabilities in terms of climate change, promoting the participation of the local community, identifying, and supporting in the selection of adaptation options and defining monitoring and updating actions for the Strategy, ensuring that the methodology and actions adopted are adapted to possible new contexts.
Summary of project results
The Municipality of Almodôvar, with the Intermunicipal Plan for Adaptation to Climate Change in Baixo Alentejo (PIAACBA), and recognizing the urgency of climate changes, intended with this project to continue the work developed, deepening the analysis and diagnosis carried out at the scale of the municipality, with the definition of local actions and their prioritization and execution indicators and respective goals to be achieved in the short, medium and long term, through the elaboration of the Municipal Strategy for Adaptation to Climate Change in the municipality of Almodôvar (EMAAC Almodôvar).
The Promoter developed the final pieces of the Municipal Climate Change Adaptation Strategy, with the shapefiles and the five Tomes that make up the document: I – Recognition of Fundamental and Sensitive Systems, II - Previous study for the integration of the measure from EMAAC PI1. Cleaning, re - naturalization of streams and flow control interventions, III - Water retention and storage structures and sustainable drainage measures, IV - Preliminary study for the integration of the EMAAC PI4 measure. Valuing Natural Heritage and promoting Nature Tourism and V – Final Report.
The project results presented: R01 - Methodological and descriptive guide for the work; R02 - Report on current climate vulnerabilities, R03 - Report on identification of future vulnerabilities and R04 - Report on the Almodôvar Municipal Climate Change Adaptation Strategy and are in accordance with the provisions of the respective application.