Project Green Innovations Kalosa will act as a closed system consisting of a three subsystems: I. Biomass production – including primary agricultural production subsystem necessary raw material resources = system inputs II. Logistics Center – subsystem including handling, collection, pre-treatment and storage of raw material resources – biomass. Center is also storage for final output – agro-pellets before its selling out. Project will setup two logistics centers – Kaloša North, Kaloša South. III. Line for production of agro-pellets – subsystem formed as an essential part of a technological project (homogenization, fermentation, cogeneration, stamping). The objective of the project: Agricultural biodegradable waste is a mixture of diverse materials whose environmental and economically satisfactory “disposal” requires sophisticated technology and the resulting technical solutions. Technological complex for production of agro-pellets is closed and non-waste treatment process specifically grown energy biomass and agricultural waste in an anaerobic environment, which in aggregate of all activities is the process of “analysis – synthesis.” Target groups are producers of biomass for our business partnership relations. Primary objective is also creating new jobs – target group unemployed. Then enterprises, different institutions and public using fine fuels instead of fossil fuels. Other beneficiaries are public in Slovakia and environment according to reducing emissions and fumes.
Summary of project results
On the 29th of July 2016 Eco film requested to terminate the contractual relationship termination of the project Agreement The reason was the impossibility to fullfill the criterias and obligations under the Project Agreement PO sent a request for repayment of funds of 699 910.00 euros, which is the amount paid the first advance payment After the several requests for returning the financial fund from PO , the PO decided to announce this violation of financial discipline to relevant financial control administration as initiate for administrative proceedings. The Government Audit Office issued a decision dated on July 7, 2017 in which a duty to return the funds in the amount of EUR 699 910 eur was imposed. The administrative proceeding was finished since the decision became effective on August 14, 2017. Due to the amount was not returned to the programme account the Government Audit Office initiated the execution proceeding.
Summary of bilateral results