Climate-adaptation strategy for area MAS Via rustica

Project facts

Project promoter:
National Institute for Integrated Landscape(CZ)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
Other Project Partners
Czech Union for Nature Conservation - Local Chapter Pacov(CZ)
Legend of Earth(CZ)
Union of modern energy and Alliance for Energy Self-sufficiency(CZ)
Via rustica Local Action Group (LAG)(CZ)
Water of life(CZ)


Problems with climate change are beginning to manifest themselves throughout the Czech Republic. Even the relatively clean environment of the Bohemian-Moravian Highlands is no exception. Droughts also manifest themselves here and visibly affect people''s lives. These include the loss of groundwater in wells, crop failure, the drying up of streams or the drying up of forests. Another problem is the increased erosion of agricultural and forest land and the deterioration of soil quality. Torrential rain damages crops, roads and entrains problems in urban areas and on local roads. Extreme weather conditions such as windstorms, heavy downpours or sudden large amounts of snow damage the power lines. energy and reduce traffic.
The territory on which the C-A strategy will be developed is located in the western part of the Vysočina Region and includes the landscape and municipalities in the area of the Via rustica Local Action Group (LAG). The area covers more than 750 km2. There live over 31 thousand. population in more than 60 municipalities. The project will be aimed at all residents, entrepreneurs and associations living or operating in the area. Both measures in the landscape, infrastructure and energy potential in municipalities will be addressed. The area of 3 cadastre of municipalities located in the basin with a local source of drinking water and one of the spring areas of the Švihov reservoir, which will supply more than 1.2 million inhabitants of the Czech Republic with drinking water, will be processed in detail.

Summary of project results

In the project, we mapped, analysed and proposed solutions for existing and possible future impacts of climate change in relation to the landscape and people. The aim was to create an environment that brings quality space for inhabitants to live well with plenty of clean water, healthy food and energy resources. In the development of the strategy, we emphasized community planning, involving different interest groups of residents and actors in the territory in the process and taking into account their requirements with a view to improving the quality of the environment.

Within the framework of the project we have developed a climate-adaptation strategy for the territory of the LAG Via rustica. For the model area of 3 cadastres (Bedřichov u Zhořce, Velká Rovná and Zhoř u Pacova) we have developed a proposal for specific climate-adaptation measures. In the implementation plan we have defined the recommended procedure for successful implementation of the Strategy including an overview of subsidy possibilities. In the preparatory and approval phase of the project, we held a series of public meetings involving municipalities, farmers, local associations and interest groups as well as the general public.

The outputs of the project have a direct impact on the territory of 64 municipalities (currently 60) associated to the MAS Via rustica in the western part of the Vysočina Region. On an area of 754 km2 there live about 31 thousand inhabitants. The indirect impact of the project is much greater. The climate-adaptation strategy includes the important source area of the Švihov reservoir, which supplies drinking water to more than 1.2 million inhabitants of the Czech Republic. The results of the project can be used as a basis for spatial planning and comprehensive land development, for strategic decision-making and planning by local governments, and as a necessary framework and guide for local governments to make decisions in a holistic landscape context and to take actions leading to the stability of the whole system in the longer term. 

Overall, this is a project that will serve as a model example of good practice. It will be a methodological guide on how to work with the territory of local action groups as a whole, how to strategically and communally plan the use of the potential of the landscape, the municipalities and their inhabitants with regard to mitigating the negative impacts of climate change in the territory.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.