Eco Classroom at GYMPABA (ECG)

Project facts

Project promoter:
Joint School, Pankúchova, Bratislava(SK)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
Other Project Partners
Business Academy Dudova 4


The main project output is to carry out raising activities on climate change mitigation and adaptation including awareness raising campaign and physical climate change responsive measures.

The main Project activities are the following:

- Educational activities (practical workshops and trainings for teachers, updating the school educational materials and educational tools regarding climate change and use of eco-classroom, designing individual study blocks in the subjects of Biology and European studies for the purpose of education about climate change mitigation and adaptation and using of the eco-classroom in this educational process, re-establishing an Ecology school club),

- Realisation of eco-classroom (building of the eco-classroom with the use of natural components and increasing the area of greener, building of summerhouse eco-classroom with a green roof, sense-educational path, herb and plant garden, butterfly flowerbed and rainwater collecting container, meteo-station, installation of collecting and recycling bins, building up a place for composting, building and installation the  insect houses, practical use of eco-classroom with implementation of educational activities (soft measures) in everyday school life).

The  added value of the partnership with the Slovak partner, Business Academy Dudova 4 in  Bratislava is to cooperate on awareness raising campaign on climate change mitigation and adaptation for students of both, Beneficiary as well as Partner school, including practical implementation of one hard measure - building of insect houses.

Summary of project results

The Project aimed to address following challenges in the field of climate change adaptation and mitigation:

  • systematic education of students on impact of climate change and measures to mitigate and adapt to climate change with focus on water retention, waste reduction and greenery,
  • implement hard measures on climate change adaptation being in synergy with soft educational activities to support waste separation, rainwater retention, biodiversity and share of greenery.

Following Project activities were implemented within the Project:

  • Environmental education through updating the school educational materials and educational tools regarding climate change with focus mainly on use of eco-classroom with elements of adaptation measures to climate change,
  • Realization of eco classroom in school campus with a green roof, sense-educational path, herb and plant garden, butterfly flowerbed and rainwater collecting container, meteo-station,
  • Installation of collecting and recycling bins, building up a place for composting,
  • Supporting biodiversity – building and installation the insect house.

Overall, 5 physical climate change responsive measures were carried out in school and school campus, more than 800 students participated the awareness raising campaign and 10 open access education materials were created.

The Project reached more than 1 200 persons selfreporting having more climate friendly behaviour due to implemented Project activities with impact mainly on students and general public as beneficiaries.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.