Project facts

Project promoter:
Secondary Grammar School of Pavol Jozef Šafárik, Rožňava(SK)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
Other Project Partners
Regional Office of Public Health in Rožňava(SK)


The aim of the Project is to educate students to become aware and engaged in real environmental issues behind the walls of the school and to provide them with the activities in which they can acquire new skills and be active in protection of environment. The aim is to establish permaculture gardens, raised herb beds, insect hotels and bird buffets on the school premises, placement of separating recycling bins and a carbon footprint educational zone in the corridors of the schools, seeking to encourage the students towards using bikes by setting up a bike rack zone on the school premises. Soft activities are planned as well: worksheets for students of different grades and school (from kindergarten to secondary schools) and methodologies for teachers and update of the school curriculum by integrating the environmental education within different subjects

The Project consist of a combination of soft and hard measures on the following topics:

  • Plant to breathe (planting of seedlings);
  • Permaculture as a revolt to the city coldness (experiential educational activities related to farming where the students will have an opportunity to try out the most typical farming activities),
  • Zero waste (organisation of a competition related to separation and recycling),
  • Tap water (reduction or complete elimination of using of plastic bottles by the students). The Project Partner Regional Office of Public Health, will organise different educational discussions on this topic.
  • No gas, two wheels will pass (to fight carbon pollution it is essential to educate children about alternative means of transport and to encourage them to walk and ride a bike to get to school. A bicycle parking rack will be placed in the school area). The Regional Office of Public Health will be in charge of different experiments and projects connected to alternative means of transport).

Summary of project results

The Project aimed to address following challenges in the field of climate change adaptation and mitigation:

  • systematic education of students on impact of climate change and measures to mitigate and adapt to climate change with focus on increasing the share of greenery, supporting biodiversity, reduction of waste production, water retention measures, support for emission-free transport and building external educational zone,
  • implement hard measures on climate change adaptation being in synergy with soft educational activities in order to achieve permaculture garden and raised herb beds, forest activities - plant seedings of trees for revitalization of forest stand, building insect houses and bird buffets; installation of waste sorting facilities (collection bins), construction of composters, installing surface water containers for rainwater, installation of bicycle racks and used eco-classroom.

Following Project activities were implemented within the Project:

  • Plant to breathe (plant seedings of trees for revitalization of forest stand)
  • Permaculture as a revolt to the city coldness (establishing own Permaculture garden and Raised herb beds, creating and maintaining the Insect hotels and  Bird buffets, Composter, Rain water tank)
  • Zero waste (Separation recycling bins, Equipments for the carbon footprint classroom)
  • Tap water (reduce or completely eliminate using of plastic bottles by students and to lead them towards drinking tap water)
  • No gas, two wheels will pass (installation of bicycle racks in school area)

Overall, 8 physical climate change responsive measures were carried out in school and school campus, more than 1 600 students participated the awareness raising campaign and 20 open access education materials were created.

The Project reached more than 1 500 of persons selfreporting having more climate friendly behaviour due to implemented Project activities with impact mainly on students and general public as beneficiaries.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.