Use energy ecologically!

Project facts

Project promoter:
Primary and Secondary Grammar School of St. John Paul II. Poprad(SK)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:


The main objective of the Project is to increase and to deepen the awareness on climate change mitigation and adaptation by implementation of soft and hard activities in the educational process. The Project is aimed at creating and applying an innovative approach in education. The educational and teaching materials for better facilitation of teaching methods when teaching pupils in the field of climate change adaptation in relevant subject such as Science, Natural Sciences, Biology, Chemistry, Geography, and Physics will be elaborated and updated.

In addition to teachers re-training, environmental lectures focused on photovoltaics as a science, on the Smart Cities and methods how to improve the outer environment for pupils are planned, in collaboration with 2 cooperating schools in the City of Poprad and the City of Kežmarok.  

By means of the installation of the photovoltaic panels onto the school roof, via re-routing the generated electricity into the main distribution box at school, the generating of green energy will be achieved. In outdoor school premises, smart benches will be installed and will enable to charge from solar power electric bikes, electric scooters, while parked in the stand; to charge smart phones from solar energy; to present information on the CD Display; to store the electrical energy by means of the battery integration within the bench. In addition, a “MINI ECOPARK” will be created with 15 e-scooters and 2 e-bikes.  During the school year, the e-scooters and e-bikes will be utilized for teaching within the premises of the school playground. The e-bikes could be used by schools employees during the working hours as an alternative to using cars, in order to lessen the impact of the air pollution. In combination with theoretical knowledge presented during the educational process, all the mentioned hard, technical measures could serve for practical demonstrations and carrying out the practical lessons.

Summary of project results

The Project aimed to address following challenges in the field of climate change adaptation and mitigation:

  • systematic education of students on impact of climate change and measures to mitigate and adapt to climate change with focus on solar energy,
  • implement hard measures on climate change adaptation being in synergy with soft educational activities to reach energy savings.

Following Project activities were implemented within the Project:

  • Environmental education through updated curricula of existing subjects, new school environmental program focused mainly usage of solar energy in everyday life.
  • Installation of photovoltaic panels.
  • Installation of smart benches to charge e-scooters, e-bikes, phones etc.,
  • Purchase of e-scooters and e-bikes for a new mini eco-park to educate pupils and students and for personal transport.

Overall, 3 physical climate change responsive measures were carried out in school and school campus, more than 1,400 students participated the awareness raising campaign and 10 open access education materials were created.

The Project reached more than 1,300 of persons selfreporting having more climate friendly behaviour due to implemented Project activities with impact mainly on students and general public as beneficiaries.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.