Increasing the energy efficiency of the public lighting system in Pitești

Project facts

Project promoter:
Pitesti Municipality(RO)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
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The main objective of the project proposed by Pitesti Municipality is execution of works on the rehabilitation of the public lighting system with the reduction of energy consumption and decrease of CO2 emissions by replacement of discharge lamps in high pressure sodium vapor with LED lamps and install a remote management system.

The existing bodies will be replaced with 1.1143 efficient luminaries, with LEDs with an estimated power of 40W - 100W depending on the photometric level required by the street category. There is no intervention on the electrical connection in the power supply and lighting points of the lighting system, the lighting fixtures with LED technology will be connected to the already installed and existing electrical conductors. Key activities include:

  • External consultancy which includes technical design, financial audit and project management.
  • Investments activities.
  • Publicity to ensure the visibility of the project.

Expected outcomes of the project includes a reduction of energy consumption by 861,36 MWh and a CO2 equivalent emission reduction per year of 263,58 tonnes.

The project will be implemented in partnership with the Norwegian company Keytouch Technology AS. It is one of Norway''s leading producers of energy efficiency solutions. Their role will be defining and implementing a model of energy efficiency projects in public lighting, together with the beneficiary, by merging Norwegian expertise in the field with Romanian one through meetings and experience exchange. The results of this partnership will be beneficiary for both partners, as the beneficiary will use the know-how acquired for maximizing the expected project results. The envisaged target of the project is to minimize the carbon footprint of the city, and this shall be done by using both Norwegian and Romanian experience in the field.

Summary of project results

The project''s main objective concerned the the rehabilitation of the public lighting system with the aim of reducing the energy consumption and decreasing of CO2 emissions. 1.1143 discharge lamps in high pressure sodium vapor were replaced with efficient luminaries,  LED lamps and a remote management system was put in place.  Following the implementation of the project there is a reduction of energy consumption by 861,36 MWh and a CO2 equivalent emission reduction per year of 263,58 tonnes.

Summary of bilateral results

The project was implemented in partnership with the Norwegian company Keytouch Technology AS. It is one of Norway''s leading producers of energy efficiency solutions. Their role was to define and implement a model of energy efficiency projects in public lighting, together with the beneficiary, by merging Norwegian expertise in the field with Romanian one through meetings and experience exchange. 

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.