NAtural Seismicity as a Prospecting and MONitoring tool for geothermal energy extraction

Project facts

Project promoter:
Institute of Geophysics CAS(CZ)
Project Number:
In implementation
Initial project cost:
Donor Project Partners:
Iceland GeoSurvey (ÍSOR)(IS)
Other Project Partners
Charles University(CZ)
Institute of Rock Structure and Mechanics CAS(CZ)


The target area of the project in South-West Iceland is characterized by permanent seismic activity and extraordinary activity of crustal fluids (hot water) due to a variety of geodynamic processes such as movements at the contact of the Euroasian and North American tectonic plates and active volcanism in the rift zones. Seismicity in the region in question has been long-time monitored, the seismic data include information on magmatic activity and geothermal sources. The aim of this project is: (1) to reveal the physical processes that cause earthquakes with special emphasis on the role of fluids, geothermal operations and tectonic plate movements,  (2) to apply the results to develop guidelines for underground operations in seismically active areas, and (3) to test and develop seismic methods as a prospecting tool in geothermal exploration.

The successful realization of the project depends on the know-how of the experts involved and the availability and quality of the seismic recordings as well as other geophysical and geological data. The Czech partners are capable of performing the basic research, however, the applied research proposed here needs a partner experienced in geothermal exploration, consultation and the role of small-scale earthquake monitoring therein. This is why the project is only feasible in collaboration with an Icelandic partner - Iceland GeoSurvey which is highly experienced in exploring shallow geothermal resources. Also, the technical support provided by the Icelandic partner will shorten substantially the data outrage, in case of any fault in seismic monitoring. The project is expected to enhance understanding of subsurface structures and processes related to geothermal reservoirs. Such results should be of high importance for geothermal development and applicable to other seismic regions where the fluid balance is affected by natural processes or human activities connected with the production/reinjection of geothermal water.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.