Charity Circle

Project facts

Project promoter:
The Cross-Regional Fund of Mid Latgale(LV)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
Other Project Partners
Association „Balta maja”(LV)
Community center "Aizkalne"(LV)
Community center "Smelteriesu cimdins"(LV)
Family support center "Pukuzirnis"(LV)
Galeni Cultural History Society(LV)
Livani District Council(LV)
Preili District Council(LV)


The aim of the project "Charity Circle" is to promote and popularize community philanthropy in Mid Latgale region. The needs identified by the Project Promoter are increasing inhabitants` self-initiative, ability not to lose a sense of security and belonging to the local community. The project will address these needs with inhabitants` involvement in civic activities, charity and donation activities. Activities are aimed at increasing the population in charity, raising awareness of charity as an essential element of prosperity, credible social ties and a just, cohesive society. The main activities are donor/patron evenings, educational seminars for entrepreneurs on corporate social responsibility (CSR), art and music school students'' art workshops for charity, charity concerts, campaigns to raise the visibility and reliability of civic society organizations and attract donations, information campaign on charity in Mid Latgale region, strengthening local community to promote the work and traditions of philanthropy and exchange points of agricultural products for free. The expected results of the project are that number of inhabitants who engage in charity, who donate, who support community initiatives has increased; the number of inhabitants who receive donations directly, has also increased; the solidary ties of among community members are strengthened. The residents of Mid Latgale region and the communities of Preili and Livani counties will benefit from this project by strengthened community ties and by directly receiving donations. The added value of the project partners are that Preili District Council and Livani District Councils will be involved in the organization of CSR seminars. Other partners - the local NGOs will be responsible for exchange points coordinating free exchange of agricultural products by the local residents. 

Summary of project results

Giving, volunteering, and helping each other are essential forms of civic participation. The data of the CAF World Giving Index 2018 show that Latvia is at the "bottom end" of the table in terms of donations, volunteer work and assistance to strangers, occupying 137th place among 146 countries. With the help of the project, we want to increase citizens'' involvement in charity, understanding charity as an essential element for well-being, reliable social ties and a just, solidary society.

-170 persons were trained in corporate social responsibility seminars. In the course of the project and at the end, at least 5 entrepreneurs have become permanent donors and participants of charity events, support charity.
-Two "Circle of Donors" campaigns have been implemented, attracting donations to initiatives of local residents.
-16 art workshops for charity were implemented, in which the created things were handed over for donations.
-4 educational exhibitions about charity have been implemented, in which local young people were involved.
-24 free exchange points of rural goods were implemented, where residents were involved in donations.
-80 school students were involved in music school charity concerts, donations were collected during the concerts.
-5seminars on community philanthropy for representatives of NGOs and local governments, entrepreneurs have been implemented.
-8 patron evenings implemented. At patron evenings, we have introduced a tradition that the patrons themselves must also give a speech, more and more entrepreneurs do not distance themselves from this word.
-In general, the number of unique residents involved in donation has increased by at least one third, when compared to 2019 data.
-In the course of the project and at the end, we found that at least 5 entrepreneurs have become permanent donors and participants of charity events, support charity.

-As the aim of the project was to promote and popularize community philanthropy in Viduslatgale, one result is that we have seen a 60% increase in turnover for the organization, largely due to donations. The prestige of our organization has also strengthened - we experience this when organizing donation campaigns, people willingly get involved, businessmen trust and donate. Companies that want to donate also use our organization more often as intermediaries.
-We have experienced that the citizens, institutions and companies we approach understand the word "donate" and understand the meaning of donation even if they do not donate or refuse to donate.
-The number of supporters-philanthropists has increased. Three companies that were not in our sights three years ago have become regular donors. The number of supporters-entrepreneurs of charity actions has increased by 10%, one scholarship program has been established - for young people with special needs in Preilu region. Its founder is a resident of Preili, who can be called a philanthropist.
The impact of the project on the culture of philanthropy and donation: In Preiļi and Līvāni counties, the attitude of the residents towards donation has become more favorable, the residents willingly get involved. It is important that during these years there have been at least 8 charitable acts and donation events initiated by citizens, entrepreneurs and the municipality. Permanent and major donors do not shy away from the concept of patronage, preferring to engage in events that emphasize patronage. The local newspaper and local businessmen themselves offer to support charity events. It must be concluded that the population as a whole understands the importance of charity and engages in charity and donation work also through self-initiatives. Addressing the donors, one gets the impression that the donors are aware of how charity helps the society to be more cohesive, supportive and also inclusive. In the rhetoric of the municipal administration and the county management, charity is named as one of the county''s values at public events. 

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.