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The aim of the project is to promote civic activity and public participation in democratic processes by encouraging throughout the project activities to listen, understand and act for the benefit of one''s community and country.
The target group is young people till 30, socially active people of 30-40 and the pre-retirement age group - over 50 years old, as well as the society in general and everyone who will notice, listen, understand and receive the impetus to act. The project will contribute to intergenerational communication and co-operation by involving people of different ages in joint activities to strengthen democracy in their communities and in the country as a whole.
The key activities envisage educating the population in face-to-face conversations and on social networks in information campaigns such as “Conversations on what matters”, “Be active - participate!” and in the podcast debates cycle “Come here, let’s talk”. A political education workshop is planned to activate the inhabitants and increase their civic participation. The magazine "A12" will publish 19 stories “Me and us” that will cover the success stories of the NGO`s, analyze their challenges and find positive solutions. As an advocacy process, it is also planned to involve 35 NGO`s in the development of strategic documents.
The results of the project are that the target group and the general public are encouraged to listen, understand and act for the benefit of civil society. The project will develop critical thinking, understanding of the advantages of a democratic state as well.
Summary of project results
Before the ACF project, the project promoter identified several issues and challenges that needed to be addressed:
Low civic engagement and participation: A significant issue was the low level of citizen involvement in civic activities and decision-making processes in Latvia. Only 10% of the population engaged in civil society activities, with even fewer participating in public consultations and social campaigns. The need for more accessible and understandable forms of engagement was recognized, which led to the design of activities to promote greater participation in the ACF project.
Lack of active participation in regional reforms: The introduction of administrative territorial reforms in Latvia posed a challenge. New municipalities were to be established, and the development of planning documents was crucial for future socio-economic, cultural, and environmental growth. However, low public participation, with community involvement often limited to just a few individuals, hindered the creation of a more unified and engaged society.
Weak trust and understanding of democratic processes: The promoter noted that Latvia had a low trust index (51%) in comparison with other European countries, which negatively affected public well-being, life satisfaction, and civic activity. The project aimed to increase understanding of the importance of democratic values, citizenship, and the role of individuals in promoting public good through cultural activities and public discussions.
Low voter turnout in the region: Another identified challenge was the low voter participation in elections, especially in Latgale, where turnout was particularly low in European Parliament elections (27%) and national elections. This reflected a broader issue of weak civic consciousness and a lack of belief in the impact of voting, which undermined the democratic process. The project aimed to address this by developing critical thinking and promoting political awareness.
Cultural identity and belonging: The project promoter highlighted the importance of fostering a sense of belonging to Latvia by enhancing people''s awareness of their cultural identity and historical roots. This was particularly important for younger people, career professionals, and older individuals who may feel disconnected. By focusing on cultural knowledge and community engagement, the project sought to help individuals understand their significance in Latvia''s development.
The project activities, implemented over three years, focused on enhancing civic engagement and public participation in democratic processes, particularly in rural communities of Latgale. A total of 899 participants took part in the events, including 672 women. Of them, 256 young people were involved through successful collaboration with local schools and institutions. Key activities included:
- Podcasts, discussions and informational campaigns. 16 podcast episodes “Come, Let''s Talk!” focused on finding solutions for the development of civil society whereas 22 discussion sessions “Conversations about the Important” addressed topics such as national identity, civic unity, and the role of citizens in preserving societal values. 3 campaigns were implemented which targeted the youth of Latgale to raise awareness of the electoral processes for municipal, Saeima, and European Parliament elections, encouraging responsible participation.
- Report on civic participation in Latgale. The report “Public Participation in the Latgale Region” aimed to assess the current level of informal and formal cooperation among people in the Latgale region for personal and societal goals, the effectiveness of NGO participation, and whether local governments delegate tasks to NGOs, consider their opinions, and provide opportunities to strengthen their competencies and secure financial resources. During the study process, 420 NGOs in the region were surveyed, with a response rate of around 30%. The findings were shared through a roundtable discussion with NGO and municipal representatives, and an interview about the research results was aired on Latvijas Radio 1. The study was publicized on the ESTO website, social media, the Latgale Planning Region’s website, and the Rezekne City Municipality''s site, drawing attention from national institutions. The results were submitted to the Ministry of Culture.
- Awareness-raising activities. The “Me and Us” section in A12 magazine (19 articles) highlighted successful NGO practices and cultural participation examples. Each article reached around 2,000 magazine buyers and approximately 5,000 readers in digital media across various platforms. The articles included information about project''s activities, stories about active individuals from NGOs across Latgale, examples of the most active NGOs in various aspects as well as opinions and analysis on the NGO sector in general. A series of 12 stories “My Special Person''s Story” shared by young people, reflected their experiences and perceptions of important community figures.
- Workshops and Networking. Workshops "Democracy culture and art” engaged 40 participants in discussions on democracy, culture, and active citizenship. To increase political awareness and preparing participants for involvement in local and national elections, several political education workshops were organised. As an example, following workshops were implemented. "Social Media Marketing for NGOs” - this workshop focused on using platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube to help non-governmental organizations communicate, engage with their audience, and promote activities. During workshop "Why Aren''t We Heard?" participants explored why public messages often go unheard by authorities and discussed strategies for making political messages more effective in engaging the public."Community Participation in Small Communities" addressed how small communities can boost civic engagement, improve social cohesion, and address local issues through active participation whereas workshop"Approaching Society" focused on how to engage different social groups and foster active civic participation, emphasizing strategies for addressing societal problems collectively. During the project networking with Norwegian NGO took place and a virtual collaboration platform ( to improve NGO participation in local decision-making processes was created.
- Youth Engagement. A poster campaign “Esi aktīvs – piedalies” involved 41 young people who created 76 posters on important societal topics, raising awareness about their role in the community. Best works were displayed in traveling exhibitions in public spaces across various municipalities in Latgale.
- Advocay activities. 35 organizations were involved in the project, with 15 contributing to key decisions on civic society issues. Among other advocacy activities, proposals were submitted for the Latgale Congress resolution. Project staff also participated in workgroups for the Rezekne City and Municipality''s Development Program and Sustainable Development Strategy, discussing challenges and strengths in cultural, educational, and social issues. Suggestions were submitted to the Rezekne City Communication Strategy for 2023-2027, emphasizing the importance of identity, culture, and civic participation. Additionally, proposals were submitted for the Historical Territories Law and for public discussions on development documents in Balvi and Preili municipalities. A list of the city’s most active NGOs is being compiled to be published on the municipality''s website.
The project aimed to promote civic engagement and participation in democratic processes for the benefit of communities and society. Over three years, project promoter implemented activities in 12 Latgale communities where civic engagement was initially low. The focus was on political education, informing citizens about their opportunities to participate in decision-making. The project reached 899 participants, including 672 women and 256 young people, thanks to successful cooperation with local educational institutions. Key impacts included increased civic activity, especially in elections, where people began to believe they could influence processes and express their opinions. Through discussions, podcasts, and workshops, participants gained a deeper understanding of their role in democracy. The project helped raise awareness about community participation and the importance of being active citizens. The platform continues to facilitate communication among NGOs and between civil society and government, fostering participation in state processes and addressing the trust deficit in the system. One of the most significant outcomes was the increased involvement of young people, who gained confidence in expressing their opinions and engaging in cultural and community activities. Overall, the project contributed to the long-term development of the organization and increased participation in democratic processes. It also laid the foundation for future strategic planning, with a focus on strengthening local community involvement in democracy.
Summary of bilateral results
In collaboration with the partner Bergausis, we explored good practices of community involvement in Bergen, focusing on cooperation between local governments and NGOs. The partner contributed to developing project activities, such as organizing "Conversations about the Important" and a "Political Education Workshop" on youth participation. The workshop highlighted Norwegian NGOs'' work and youth engagement in preserving Latvian identity. The partner''s civil society experience was featured in the A12 magazine''s "Me and Us" section. Bergausis also contributed to discussions on the Historic Lands Bill and provided suggestions for diaspora-related issues. They organized election opportunities for the Latvian diaspora in Bergen, with feedback from other cities about the lack of similar opportunities. Bergen''s youth submitted essays for the "My Special Person''s Story" activity, presented at the final event. The partnership with Bergausis will continue long-term.