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A sharp rise of COVID-19 cases is reported daily in Lithuania, most likely due to the drop in vigilance regarding precautionary measures after ending national quarantine and stigmatisation of infected people. The aim of this project is to strengthen the prevention program and decrease the stigmatisation of infected people by improving mass and institutional communication. The expected results are as follows: spread of 10 videos and 20 articles about real COVID-19 cases through collaboration with mass media; spread of preventive information through videos and articles with the goal of reaching no less than 800 000 unique internet users; preparation and advocation of a collection of COVID-19 prevention and stigma reduction recommendations.
Summary of project results
Aims: To raise public awareness of the stigma and challenges faced by members of the public infected with COVID-19 through the media; to inform the public about ways to protect themselves against COVID-19; and to carry out advocacy activities with public authorities.
The second part of the project "At the Front Lines" was implemented during the second quarantine in Lithuania. This part of the project was supported by a large team of physicians who shared the latest information on COVID-19 prevention, spread and the potential consequences to humans'' health. The content and aim of the project in the format of videos, articles and photos were shared in the most popular Lithuanian online news platform
During quarantine, the project contributed to helping prevent the spread of COVID-19 in the society, improving the image and credibility of Lithuanian healthcare providers and the health system as a whole.