The Net

Project facts

Project promoter:
Latvian Scout and Guide Central Organization(LV)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
Donor Project Partners:
The Icelandic Boy and Girl Scout Association(IS)
Other Project Partners
4H club(LV)
Imants Ziedonis Foundation “Viegli” (Lightly)(LV)
Latvian Ornithological Society(LV)
National youth council of Latvia(LV)
Slovak Scouting(SK)
World Wide Fund Latvia(LV)


The project promoter believes that long-term voluntary work is one of the core elements for sustainable democratic society. Very few people engage in civic activities and initiatives compared to other Western democracies, and people in Latvia often engage in activities that tend to be self-assertive but not for the common good, especially in the 25-45 age group. 

The idea of the project is to promote regular and long term voluntary work, the target audience of the project being general public that will benefit from the voluntary work in the long run.

The project will include the following activities:

- Developing and strengthening voluntary work at local level by opening new scout and guide units and making them as role models of volunteering in local communities. By growing scouting and guiding in the country, youth democracy is growing as well. 

-Networking - supporting network of NGOs that organize work with volunteers - by giving time and space for good practice exchange, also exchanging experience with a Slovakian partner about IT systems for better management of volunteers, as well as data gathering.

-Ensuring regular advocacy activities, as well as adopting and implementing the formula of how to calculate economic value into the concept of social capital. 

-Communication – three campaigns about volunteering and regular communication about volunteering in the social media as well.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.