Activities of the Association ""Balta maja"" to strengthen the sense of community citizenship

Project facts

Project promoter:
NGO Balta maja(LV)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
Other Project Partners
Livani District Youth Council(LV)


The target of the project is to strengthen the  civic consciousness of the society and the NGO`s representing them. 

The problems identified by the project promoter are that the local community lacks information about democracy and mechanisms for strengthening it; local NGO`s, low- income earners and rural youth lack knowledge about opportunities to engage in processes of democracy building; non-Latvians often feel segregated, insufficiently integrated and involved in their communities.

The project will include educational, informative and solidarity promoting activities that will increase the capacity and knowledge of the vulnerable groups to strengthen democracy. Special attention will be paid to the NGO`s outside the regional centres, as well as to the organizations representing minorities. During the project two campaigns will be carried out - one of them will focus on the contribution of active inhabitants of Livani district so that it becomes an encouragement for the remaining inhabitants to take part in civic activities. The second campaign of the project will inform society about the work done by the NGO "Balta maja" during the last 25 years; it will promote the organization and foster involvement of inhabitants in the local NGO`s.

The expected results are that Latgale region society gets knowledge about processes of strengthening democracy in their communities, paying particular attention to integration of non-Latvians. The project targets the NGO`s in rural areas of Latgale, non-Latvians and young people from Livani district.

The partner "Livani Youth Council" will contribute to the implementation of the activity “Youth for youth”. The partner will implement events for young people (13 to 18 years old), in which they will be provided with information about civic participation by activists of the same age. Thus the involvement of less active young people in civic activities in Livani county will be increased.

Summary of project results

One of the strategic priorities of the project promoter is "Improving the quality of life of society", which is directly linked to a complex vision of urgently needed positive changes not only in society at large, but also in the governance of the country as a whole. To make a difference, cooperation with other NGOs should be promoted - not only with those working in the territory of Livani municipality and rural areas of Latgale region, but also with organizations throughout Latvia. Unfortunately, there are not enough resources for quality cooperation.
The Project Promoter also pays special attention to vulnerable groups, as their participation in democratic processes is incomplete. 

*Educational events series "Guardians of Democracy";
*Discussions "My powerhouse - Livani";
*Interactive information events "Young person for young person";
*Camp for social integration of Latgale region NGOs;
*Information campaign ""Balta maja" turns 25";
*Development of the Project Promoter`s strategy, sustainability training, participation in regional and national networks of civil society organizations, cooperation-building events at NGOs of Latgale region.

*508 people trained in civic education activities targeted at different groups (local youth, vulnerable groups, national minorities); 

*Networking and cooperation with 27 civil society organizations through a series of events;

*A series of awareness-raising events on the culture of democracy among different groups in society (young people, ethnic minorities, vulnerable populations).

In general, the project increased the proportion of citizens who engage in civic activities and believe in their personal power to influence decision-making processes. The visibility of Latgale region NGOs outside the regional centres was strengthened, segregation between them was reduced, and the involvement of minority NGOs in the Latvian NGO family was promoted.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.