Women Agent of Change- Awarness Campagn on Women role in decizion making process at rural communities

Project facts

Project promoter:
Eastern European Training Institute Association(RO)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
Other Project Partners
Association of Romanian Communes(RO)


Gender inequality is a deeply rooted mentality in rural communities in Romania and results in poor participation of women in public life. The project "Women Agent of Change- Awareness Campaign on Women role in decision making process at rural communities" responds to the need to change traditional mentalities about women''s role in community life and decision making in Malu Mare, Bratovoiești, Predești, Rojiște and Sopot, five rural communities in Dolj county. 15 representatives of local authorities were trained on how to encourage citizen participation, transparency in decision-making and gender equality. During the implementation period, community meetings will be organised with women from the 5 localities targeted in the project. Following the community meetings, 75 women will participate in a workshop on advocacy, civic participation and gender equality and will be involved in local activities to put into practice what they have learned. The aim of the project is to empower rural women, encourage their civic participation and increase their involvement in local decision-making.

Summary of project results

Gender inequality is a strong mentality rooted in rural communities in Romania and results in poor participation of women in public life. The project responded to the need of changing the traditional mentalities on the role of women in the community life as well as the decision-making process in Malu Mare, Bratovoiești, Predești, Rojiște and Sopot, five rural localities in Dolj county.

15 representatives of the local authorities have been trained on methods of encouraging citizen participation, decision transparency and gender equality in order to organize community meetings with the women from the 5 localities. Following the community meetings, 75 women attended locally a workshop in advocacy, civic participation and gender equality and were involved in local activities to put in practice what they learnt.

The project succeeded to empower a critical group of women in rural area, to encourage their civic participation and increase their involvement in the local decision making process. The promoter increased its organizational capacity on delivering certified training courses in “Decision-making transparency, ethics and integrity” and “Management of Human Resources”. 

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.