The Art Of Curiosity: learning community

Project facts

Project promoter:
Creative Connections(LT)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
Other Project Partners
Artists group “Fish Eye”(LT)


The project aims to develop active citizenship related skills of young people and diminish the gap between the ethnic minorities and majority groups. The relevance of the issues around exclusion and vulnerability of Lithuanian ethnic minorities is increasingly high in the context of growing geopolitical tensions in the region and deep exclusion demonstrated by a variety of research (such as Civic Empowerment Index, PISA tests results, Cultural participation studies etc.). 

The project will seek positive impact through partnerships with schools, taking into account that they are attended even by most socially isolated young people. With support of specifically trained creative professionals, young people and their teachers will learn by exploring, solving real problems, realizing their ideas, collaborating with external partners. This way of learning will develop skills of citizenship, critical thinking, creativity and other core 21st century skills. Teachers will start to apply teaching methods based on active and mindful participation. Significant and inspiring aspect of the Programme - it will support emergence of local learning communities, crossing the ethnic and sectoral boundaries. 

The uniqueness of the programme “The Art of Curiosity” lies in its capacity to reach sustainable shifts of behaviours and attitudes of its participants, nurture relationships based on openness and dialogue. After the project, the schools continue to apply all-inclusive, inquire and creativity-based learning strategies and methods. Schools continue collaborations with cultural, municipal, civic society organizations. The project creates conditions to be convinced of benefits of cooperation within the school community and the external partners. Isolation is replaced by openness and connectedness with diverse cultural environment. 

Summary of project results

“The Art of Curiosity: Learning Communities” aimed to develop active citizenship related skills of young people and diminish the gap between the ethnic minorities and majority groups. The relevance of the issues around exclusion and vulnerability of Lithuanian ethnic minorities is increasingly high in the context of growing geopolitical tensions in the region, which erupted as full scale war of Russia against Ukraine during the time of the project, and deep social and cultural exclusion demonstrated by a variety of research.

The project took place in 19 schools in Klaipeda, Visaginas, Šalcininkai, Vilnius and Vilnius regions and other places in Lithuania. The main activity of the project was unique collaborative projects between schools and creative practitioners, fostering openness and reflexivity in the school community, building respectful, equal relationships between community members.

1. Programme "THE ART OF CURIOSITY*: LEARNING IN THE COMMUNITY" took place in schools. During the school year 2021-2022, the programme was implemented in 10 schools. In 8 of them, the full programme (both Teachers'' Club and Students’ inquiry projects), in 2 of them a partial programme: in one a Teachers'' Club and in the other a Students’ inquiry projects. In the school year 2022-2023, the programme was implemented in 10 schools, in 8 of them the full programme (both Teachers'' Club and Students’ inquiry projects), in 2 of them the partial programme (only Students’ inquiry projects). 

*THE ART OF CURIOSITY ( is a practical aide for addressing relevant learning-related challenges. The project used this programme to seek positive impact through partnerships with schools, taking into account that they are attended even by most socially isolated young people.

2. STRENGTHENING COMMUNITY LINKS. QUALITY ASSURANCE AND EXPERIENCE DISSEMINATION EVENTS. 18 quality assurance and experience dissemination events were held, bringing together representatives of all participating schools and creative professionals working with the schools (induction, planning, closing events, interim reflection by teachers and creative practitioners). In the schools themselves, 29 final events took place, during which the results of the project were presented (often actively, inviting them to try out new forms of learning) to teachers, pupils, parents of pupils in the participating school, and sometimes to representatives of other schools and other partners. In total: 47 events. There were also 85 visits to various cultural, scientific and business organisations, with 125 representatives from different organisations and professionals in various fields. 

3. A study visit to Oslo took place on 25-28 October 2022 to learn about good practices in integrating socially, culturally marginalised groups into the local community through creative processes.


Project has strengthened competences of creativity, collaboration, critical thinking and inquiry. Culturally rich learning that often took place outside of school has widened cultural and life horizons of the participants. All groups of participants went out of school to meet new people, organizations, explore new places, develop their social networks. Quite often the projects focused on exploring the local area of the participants and supported development of their sense of belonging. Teachers learned and co-created innovative, creative, inquiry based learning methods that make an important tangible legacy of the project that is going to keep creating value beyond the project.

The project took place in 19 schools in Klaipeda, Visaginas, Šalčininkai, Vilnius and Vilnius regions and other places. 19 Students’ inquiry projects and 17 Teachers’ club annual programmes have been implemented. 441 students (of them 250 from vulnerable groups including 215 from ethnic minorities) and 223 teachers (including 60 from ethnic minorities) participated as active learners in the project. 3199 other participants (including 1280 from ethnic minorities) where engaged in learning or community development activities.

Project promoter, Kurybines jungtys”, had strengthened their own competences and sensitivity for work with the vulnerable groups. With the help of their partner artists’ group “Žuvies akis” developed their activities and community in Klaipeda and its region, which has enabled them to involve Klaipeda’s cultural organizations in project promoter''s current programmes.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.