2019-EY-PMIP-0010 - Every school needs an inclusive and well-being team!

Project facts

Project promoter:
Bucharest Centres for Resources and Educational Assistance CMBRAE(RO)
Project Number:
In implementation
Initial project cost:


Many studies show that Romanian students are not happy and motivated at school. School counsellors can be agents of change in schools, to facilitate well-being in education, by promoting classroom-based game play activities and by supporting the development of the enthusiastic teachers teams.The project will adapt the information received in mobility at all pre-univesitary levels of education
Project objectives:
- developing a team of CMBRAEs specialists, to promote teaching using  games  in order to encrease well being of students and the inclusion of all the children, with different interests, aptitudes, difficulties and traits.
-creating a educational programme for schools, all pre-univesrsitary levels- aimed to promote teaching using games in order to increase inclusion and well-being in schools-on  preprimary level, primary, secondary, highschool level.
-the implementation of the programme in 8 pilot schools;
-organizing 6 dissemnination workshops for CMBRAEs school counsellors;
- Development of a Project website;
- Creating a 160-pages  e-book on  pupils'' well-being in school - published on the project website
Impact - The project''s website will host learning resources that could be used by any teacher, 2 years  will remain this site dedicated to the project, over 200 CMBRAE counselors will participate in dissemination workshops and developing competence training. 48 school teachers will benefit from 2-hour workshops about school inclusion and well-being, using games in teaching (from pre-primary, primary, gymnasium and lyceum) and  will be able to use the activities/competencies in other classes as well.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.