Positive Parenting Skills Enhancement in the Regions

Project facts

Project promoter:
Save the Children Lithuania(LT)
Project Number:
In implementation
Initial project cost:
Donor Project Partners:
Barnaheill – Save the Children Iceland(IS)

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The aim of the project is to contribute the implementation of the amendments to the Law on the Fundamentals of the Protection of the Rights of the Child adopted in Lithuania in 2017. By prohibiting all forms of violence against children, most parents face the problem of raising children without violence. “Positive Discipline in Everyday Parenting” program is based on science research and child rights perspective and is able to meet these needs of parents. Adapted for parents of different literacy and social skills, this Program aims to reduce the use of violent parenting techniques and corporal or humiliating punishment. The need of courses on parenting skills is not met in the regions due to lack of professional facilitators there. The Organization already has certified Program trainers who can prepare new facilitators. The main goal of this Project is to bring together motivated professionals and to develop a network of parent group facilitators who would be capable of qualitatively delivering the Program for parents, foster parents or guardians in different regions. Participation in the Program groups for parents, foster parents or guardians is free of charge. The Project activities focus on geographically remote regions and target vulnerable groups in order to strengthen and enable them to use non-violent discipline in their families. Thus, the coordination center will start its work in preparation of facilitators and assurance of delivery of the Program. The Center continue its work after the Project will be finished. In cooperation with the Partner, new and effective ways of preventing violence and enhancing children''s self-esteem will be sought and best practices in this area shared. The project will strengthen the competencies of the staff to ensure efficient use of available resources within the Organization. The Project will also contribute to the promotion and implementation of child rights.

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