The modernization of public lighting network in Goicea commune, Dolj County

Project facts

Project promoter:
Goicea Commune(RO)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
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The main objective of the project is to reduce the energy consumption and decrease CO2 emissions through modernization of the public lighting system in Goicea commune. The system will be modernized by replacing the old luminaires with new LED luminaires which are more energy efficient. The goal is to replace the existing bodies with 657 new streetlamps with LEDs (Lighting Emitting Diode) with an estimated power supply of 30 W - 50 W depending on the photometric level required by the street category. 

The control of the dispersion of the light realized by the system related to the LED, ensures the focus of the light beam in the form of a rectangle, ensures the reduction of the light pollution and reduces the energy loss. The total length of the electric street lighting network included in the project is 31,6 km. Key activities include:

  • Technical project and execution details.
  • Organization of the procurement.
  • Technical expertise for project implementation.
  • Financial audit.
  • Technical support for site management.
  • Publicity to ensure the visibility of the project.

The reduction of energy consumption resulting from the implementation of the project is 95.41 MWh/year. Estimated CO2 emissions reduction per year is around 29,2 tonnes. 

Summary of project results

The project is according with the Project Contract/ Grant Offer Letter. Special Terms and Conditions are fulfilled: total length of electric street lighting network of 31,6 km which includes 58 streets in Goicea Commune (verified through minutes of delivery and receipt of the lighting system). Expected outcomes (reduction of CO2 emission, monetary savings, reduction of energy consumption) will be provided by the Applicant in the Annual Project Report submitted by 15 January 2023, since the project has just finished and the results will be seen after a year after the project implementation.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.