Roma history and culture as a subject of inclusion

Project facts

Project promoter:
Combined school, Chminianske Jakubovany 21
Project Number:
Target groups
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 31,544
The project is carried out in:

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The village Chminianske Jakubovany has 2193 inhabitants out of which 1791 are Roma. Roma ethnic group is characterized by a specific way of life, which is not familiar for the majority. The project responds to the needs for access to education and training of students from disadvantaged backgrounds and contributes to their integration in the educational system and the society taking into consideration traditions and ancestral customs. It focuses on individual development, awareness of identity, eliminates social inequalities and on removing prejudices. The project will create space for mutual understanding between Roma and non-Roma in the village and intercultural communication. The purpose is to incorporate subject of Romany culture in the school curriculum, thereby strengthening social inclusion through intercultural education, Romani language and culture; education activities to strengthen social inclusion through collaboration between the school, families and the public; promote active participation in the Roma students.

Summary of project results

The most important mission of the project was the incorporation of the subject of Roma reality into the education program for the 2nd grade and the modification of the teaching materials intended for the teaching of the subject in the 1st grade. In the school year 2015/2016, the subject of Romany culture and reality is taught in all grades 2. At the first stage, pupils learned about Roma history and culture through cross-cutting themes in reading lessons, homeland studies and physical education. The introduction of this subject was preceded by the leading of the interest unit for pupils involved in the Young Roma Leader program. Experts on the given issue developed the educational curriculum and thematic education and training plans. Successful mastering of the teaching subject was preceded by individual study and familiarization with the given subject by the teachers of the school. Teachers have also been involved in the preparation of methodological materials for each year, which make it easier to teach the subject. Under the Young Romani Leaders Program, a group of 40 active Roma pupils worked together , who, according to their interests, worked in a journalistic, educational and cultural group. The mission of the groups was to acquaint them with the history and culture of the Roma and to prepare pupils to conduct activities aimed at bringing Romani realities and cultures closer to the parents of pupils, Roma and non-Roma. Various cultural events were realized. On the occasion of the Roma Day 2016, the final seminar was connected with the project evaluation during which the participants received the printed leaflets with project information. Support activities were: summer training of the pupils involved in the project, visit the Museum of Romany Culture in Brno, a day trip to the Roma Museum in Bratislava for young Roma leaders. The school actively participated in the discovery of Roma history - both ancient and contemporary, as well as the discovery of traditional Roma crafts and Roma culture. the school also welcomed the possibility of buying literature on this subject. School-organized summer camps (t.r. 12th year) which was encouraging and motivational. During the whole project duration, the bilingual - Slovak-Roma - publication and issue of the school magazine Jakubko , which informs about all activities of the projectschool.

Summary of bilateral results