Together at school and in our community

Project facts

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Other Project Partners
Primaria Ciorogarla(RO)
Scoala Gimnaziala nr. 1 Ciorogarla(RO)

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Domestic violence is a reality in some communities in Romania. Most of the time, women and children are the victims of domestic violence. Over time, the association has been notified by victims of abuse: mothers subjected to serious forms of violence, together with children and young people who requested accommodation in foster care centers, children abandoned by their mothers and left in the care of their grandparents, children abused by drug-using fathers, etc. Considering that many victims reported a lack of response from the authorities, difficulties in obtaining protection orders, a tolerant attitude of the magistrates towards acts of violence and the lack of information about the services that can be accessed by the victims, the project supports victims through campaigns to raise awareness and support positive changes in attitudes and promote good practices related to gender equality and gender-based violence.
The project addresses the communication issues between the marginalized community and local authorities, especially concerning education. The lack of resources and communication skills in an efficient and constructive way between the parties involved are the main barriers that we intend to remove, in order to mobilize and train citizens and local authorities to work together to solve specific local problems, The project therefore aims to contribute to the local democratic culture but also to create long term solidarity and social cohesion between different groups of the community: people with different ethnic identity (Roma and non-Roma), with different socio-economic situation (teachers-disadvantaged community), with different ages and gender (children-adults, men-women). At least 25 persons form the target groups (parents, teachers, students, local authority representatives) will be involved in the activities.
To prevent possible reluctance from local authorities, the two partners are essential in developing and carrying out activities.

Summary of project results

The project succeeded in facilitating better communication between the marginalized local community and local authorities, but also in providing tools for empowerment and stimulating citizen participation, especially on issues related to education. The first steps were taken to form a local civic group and we provided a direct platform for vulnerable people - parents who are part of disadvantaged families, teachers and students. In addition to identifying and expressing the problems, the project provided a first framework for forming a safe space in which different groups of the community: people with different ethnic identities, with different socio-economic situation, with different ages and genders, could meet and find common ground and issues. This space was created through 29 mediation through creative communication workshops (writing, Photovoice and New Media) attended by 35 people, which resulted in an exhibition within the school, 1 volume published and launched, 17 interviews conducted at school and in the community transposed into 10 episodes of the podcast "Differences". Through 3 civic workshops, the participants took over some of the identified problems and turned them into 6 petitions, sent for solution to the competent authorities. The most important cause, for which we organized a campaign to collect signatures, is that of providing a free hot meal for all students in the commune. We managed to collect and submit 212 signatures: 129 from the community and 83 online. In addition to the opening of the authorities to the hot meal program, we managed to get a boiler to provide hot water in the school, panels and balls for basketball, the installation of speed limiters and road signs for certain busy streets. The results of the project were presented in 3 Agora meetings attended by 65 people, including 2 representatives of local authorities.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.