Cartography of (Eco)systems I RurArtMap and Perpedian Map: Black Edition

Project facts

Project promoter:
Agosto Foundation(CZ)
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The project focuses on capacity building of regional, cultural and art initiatives which take active part in addressing societal issues, most importantly in the sphere of social issues and the environment. The aim is to identify key actors in all regions of the Czech Republic, except Prague, who use an innovative approach and significantly improve the conditions of life for local communities. The information received as part of the research will become part of a map which will be available in both printed and online versions, and which will serve as a practical tool for those interested in the issues of civic cultural communities. Apart from the database of the individual subjects, the map will also contain interviews with select players and texts by an interdisciplinary team (social anthropologist, ecologist, cultural environmentalist, artist, curator). The content and selection of the players is focused on cultural subjects which have had long-term involvement in ecology, have worked on issues of social exclusion, inter-generational dialogue, rejuvenation of cultural traditions, work with historical places and so on. Part of the project is to identify the problems with which these players are struggling, and simultaneously the map will feature a visual representation of possible connections between individual organisations and individuals in a cultural, social and ecological context. The map will also feature a text about smaller Norwegian cultural and artistic initiatives prepared in collaboration with a Norwegian partner. The map will be distributed to cultural organisations and presented at a meeting which will be attended by, among others, the experts and general public, and representatives of independent cultural centers and communities from rural and peripheral regions. The meeting will also be attended by representatives of our partners in Norway who will present similar initiatives in Norway and will visit several regional initiatives in Czech Republic.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.