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The Center for Peace Studies, with its project "Providing Support to Victims of Violent Pushbacks”, seeks immediate action on a new escalation of violence against migrants perpetuated by Croatian police and the denial of access to the asylum system. The new escalation of violence during the coronavirus pandemic proves the brutality and systematic violence to which migrants are exposed, and the necessity of a quick reaction to such inhumane and illegal actions. The project aims to increase the level of support to victims of human rights violations. By providing legal and advocacy support to migrants who are victims of police brutality and violence and who have been denied access to the asylum system, we strive to empower victims and enable them to initiate accessible legal proceedings. Key activities include trips to Bosnia and Herzegovina and interviews with victims and documenting their human rights violations. In situations where victims will be willing, legal processes will be initiated. Direct contact with victims allows us to build a database of testimonies of victims of illegal and violent expulsions that will serve us for further advocacy towards the institutions of the European Union and the United Nations in order to take additional measures to stop these illegal practices and further promote international standards of human rights. The project target vulnerable and marginalized group of migrants, who due to their marginalized position do not have the opportunity to protect themselves from the violation of their human rights. The Center for Peace Studies, as the applicant and implementer, will have the responsibility of contacting victims and providing legal assistance and support in the processes that victims agree to initiate.
The project is oriented to migrants regardless on the gender, age or race (victims of human rights violations) through protection of and support to obtain their rights which is relevant only for Anti-discrimination policy marker.
Summary of project results
The project worked on a new wave of escalation of Croatian police violence against migrants and the denial of access to the asylum system. The new wave of escalation of violence by the Croatian police during the COVID-19 virus pandemic proved the brutality and systematic nature of the violence to which migrants are exposed, and the need for a quick response to such inhumane and illegal actions. Our team managed to get in direct contact with 6 victims of violent and illegal deportations, who were later provided with free legal aid and support, and two criminal charges were filed against unknown perpetrators of Croatian police officers. In order to find an adequate solution to urgent and burning problems like this, we had to build new working methods to better respond to the growing need to provide general legal information to migrants who were in the territory of the Republic of Croatia and who wanted international protection. Therefore, we established two telephone numbers through which migrants contacted us, and with their approval we informed the Ministry of the Interior, the competent police administration and the Ombudsman about the location of migrants who want to seek international protection. Through this method of work, we came into contact with 226 people who wanted to seek international protection. Submitted 12 reports of the Welcome Initiative increased the interest of international actors and institutions in our work, which enabled the fulfillment of the project effect and, in addition to providing legal assistance, we successfully provided advocacy support to victims of violent and illegal expulsions. Initiatives Welcome, German Ambassador, European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights, Welcoming Europe Alliance. Also, two policy briefings published and sent to representatives of the European Parliament will have a long-term impact on the course of the debate on the new EU Pact on Migration and Violent and Illegal Expulsions Occurring at the Border of the Republic of Croatia. Although we were unable to organize an activist action due to the epidemiological situation, we still wanted to take full advantage of the opportunity to advocate, and last year we rounded off the project with a statement showing the brutality and systematicity of illegal and violent expulsions.