The project aims at building competencies of active citizenship and development of electoral literacy among the young generation (pupils) of Roma communities in the region of Banska Bystrica and Košice region.The mission of this project is to instill primary pupils, future Roma voters / leader knowledge of their human and civil rights as well as electoral values and thus strengthen their electoral literacy through experiential practical training. The project will established a network of experts dealing with this issue, processed and pilot lectured professional materials and built four experiential workshops for students from Roma communities. All this should help change behavior of the target group and to create synergies in the local community.The project responds to the low social participation of members of marginalized Roma communities into society-wide events in Slovakia and its negative image in the eyes of the majority public. It is aimed at promoting the inclusion of excluded Roma communities as well as the socio-economic activities enhancing the capacity of disadvantaged groups through community activities.The objectives of the project focus and mainly reflect the low election competences development as the associated low turnout of Roma within society-wide decision-making processes, particularly in local elections as well as preventing negative phenomena such as electoral corruption, manipulation of the voter registration etc .. The project also reacts to knowledge of civil, ethnic and human rights of youg Roma population members.We based on the assumption that only education and training can motivate company / young people to change the entire society wanted behavior and also that experiential learning is the best way to take today's young people in the flood of information, which they are flocking from all sides. The project will create synergies in improving conditions for the functioning of civil society, not only in marginalized Roma communities
Summary of project results
The project is based on the current situation of the whole society (the rise of extremism and hate speech within society) and needs to develop themes of active citizenship in a democratic society.The mission of this project was to instill primary pupils - future Roma voters / leaders – to let them know of their human and civil rights as well as the electoral values and thus strengthen their electoral literacy through experiential learning practical. The project reacts to social participation of marginalized Roma communities members into society-wide events in Slovakia and their negative image in the eyes of the majority public. Sustainability of the project is to ensure quality outputs of the project, namely: provided educational and methodological materials and trained and motivated teachers schools (a total of more 66 teachers in four primary schools in Slovakia, schools have been selected as a pilot ones and 150 Roma pupils).The aim of the project was the development and implementation of interactive-experiential tool for the development of civic values and attitudes of Roma pupils. Some parameters of the project was also exceeded expectations in a positive sense - more of participating schools, more teachers and pupils involved, a very positive reception issues and interested target group.Our goal was to get involved in the project two elementray schools from two region of Slovakia. At the end of the project we get involved 5 schools. Project impact was direct and indirect. It has a direct impact in changing attitudes and sensitizing topics with teachers and pupils of primary schools with a special focus to Roma communities. The indirect impact was through informing the general professionals and the general public about the issue and its importance, which may also contribute to changing attitudes and induce positive activism in this group of people.Target group (teachers, students, professionals and the general public) has been actively involved in the project through participation in professional activities - 2 training, 2 workshops, 5 discussion groups, 1 round table, etc.. All provided activities required interactivity with the teacher/leader of the events. The main benefit of the project is actively, purposefully and systematically work with the theme of building civic values and awareness, including the fight against discrimination within selected primary schools, which gives us hope for further success in this area in the future.
Summary of bilateral results