Amnesty Academy: Education of young people on active citizenship and human rights

Project facts

Project promoter:
Amnesty International Slovenia(SI)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
Donor Project Partners:
Amnesty International Norway(NO)
Other Project Partners
Faculty of Arts
University of Ljubljana(SI)
Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security
University of Maribor(SI)
Faculty of Health Sciences
University of Ljubljana(SI)
Faculty of Social Sciences
University of Ljubljana(SI)
Faculty of Social Work
University of Ljubljana(SI)
University of Primorska
Faculty of Humanities(SI)


The project will address lack of offer of comprehensive human rights education and training for human rights (HR) activism for (young) adults in Slovenia.

The main aim of the project is education for human rights and building competences, skills and experiences through concrete actions for human rights; and by this meaningful contribution to the culture of active citizenship and to the society, where topical HR are recognized and experienced as a common concern and common responsibility and where individuals have knowledge and mechanisms to influence them.

The first target groups are students and pedagogical workers (lecturers); secondary target groups are those that are interested in human rights (high-school students, students from other faculties, members and supporters of AIS), journalists, nongovernmental organisations and officials. The project seeks to increase number of (young) people who have knowledge of HR and are empowered and qualified for active citizenship and activism. Change will be achieved through extracurricular activity Human Rights in Practice which will be available to all students at the University of Ljubljana (involvement willl be formally recognized with credit points),with a creation of online multimedia educational centre with tools for self-education about human rights and active citizenship and with 2 electronic newsletters.

Project will be carried out by AIS in partnership with Faculy of Social Sciences, Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Health Sciences, Faculty of Social Work (all University of Ljubljana), Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security,at University of Maribor and Faculty of Humanities Koper at the Univeristy of Primorska region; international partner is Amnesty International Norway who will bring added value to the project by sharing good practice in the field of activism promotion (eduacational material an contant), help in finding appropriate speekers and share knowledge on human rights education in schools.

Summary of project results

Years of experience have taught us at Amnesty International Slovenia that young people are interested in human rights, but they often lack the knowledge and information on what action they can take in this field. A review of study programs shows that even at the university level practical training is not sufficient even in the fields of study where thorough knowledge of human rights is particularly useful, if not indispensable (policy makers, journalists, social workers, sociologists, teachers, educators …).

The Amnesty Academy equip young people, as well as other interested parties, with the necessary competencies and knowledge, thus contributing to a culture of active citizenship and, consequently, a society in which people care about human rights and fight for them. The main output of the project is an online multimedia education center dedicated to independent human rights education. The online education center contains e-courses, educational videos, presentations, quizzes, etc., covering various content areas. These include: an introduction to human rights, freedom of expression and assembly, human rights in relation to modern technologies, the environmental crisis and human rights, the right to water and adequate housing, refugee law… Special attention was given to strategic activism: how to plan human rights actions so that they are most effective and achieve the desired changes.

Part of the project activities also took place among students (Faculty of social science) where a special course Amnesty Academy: Human Rights in Practice was introduced.

The Amnesty Academy on-line portal continues to provide human rights courses to students and everyone interested.

Summary of bilateral results

The bilateral partner contributed with their knowlede on on-line learning platforms and the best ways to attrac youngsters to complet the courses.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.