TransFúzia - capacity building of trans* organisation

Project facts

Project promoter:
Project Number:
Target groups
Non governmental organisation,
LGTB - lesbian, gay, transsexual, bisexual
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 49,420
The project is carried out in:


The importance of the project lies in the empowerment of the first and the only trans* organization that advocates for human rights of trans* people in Slovakia. The situation of trans* people is very critical in many areas. The goal is to create a strong organization and to empower and mobilize the trans* community. The aims will be achieved by the enhencement of human capacities through internal education, technical and material supplies, elaboration of managing activities, fundraising and media strategies; creation of an online safe-space and materials focused on empowering the organization and the community; engagement of trans* people into the civic activities education of trans* people and activists. The project will be beneficial for the organization, trans* people and the general public through he availability of unbiased information and alternative models to the binary gender system.

Summary of project results

The results were achieved in the desinated degree, often from zero to active community, infobank, counseling services and advocacy activities. One of the successes is the change of medical practice – doctors have started to permit to trans people to choose between forced castration and forced sterilization. Sustainability is based on clear understanding of the situation and the following strategy of our organization; on building active community and multiplication of human rights awarness in it; on publicly available infobank; on increasing visibility of our organization attracting new trans people.Trans people face many forms of discrimination in all areas of life. The project facilited development of the first trans NGO, the first trans community, the first systematic data collection on trans people, the first system of support services and advocacy for and by trans people in Slovakia. The project helped to change and sometimes save lives of trans people – from providing safe spaces, access to information, counseling services to advocacy for human rights.Trans people were the source of information for the info bank, strategy of our organization and community building.We have developed deeper cooperation with several feminist and LGBT NGOs, educated them on trans issues and participated together on common advocacy action. We appreciate readiness of donor to invest into unfamiliar topic of trans people through our small organization and we hope for a systematic cooperation in the future.

Summary of bilateral results

The goal of the project was to create network of trans organizations from V4 region – TransFúzia (SR), Fundacja Trans-Fuzja (PL), Transvanilla (HU) and Transfusion (CZ) - to find common grounds for joint action towards social change for trans people. The project was realized with Norwegian partner LLH – Landsforeningen for lesbiske, homofile, bifile og transpersone. LLH provided us with their expert experience and guidance, supervision of the whole process in order create useful program, effective communication and understanding of group dynamics to achieve establisment of fruitful cooperation among the participating organizations. We have held three face-to-face weekend meetings in Bratislava, shared information and planned strategy and action plan for the future cooperation.