Elementary school with education in Hungarian. At this school is studying a significant number of Roma pupils. The school management is systematically developing various support programs for these students to improve their level of education. Together, we developed this pilot project which will be implemented on the school's grounds. Based on our experiences we'll be developing these activities in following projects.The main of the project is to organize regular training for teachers (2 time per month) and also mentoring/supervision for them,organize meetings with children. The second aim of the project is prepare good methodology for teacher- how they can work more effectively with families, Roma students create conditions for open dialog between teachers , speak about the problems in teaching process, speak about conflict and got a training how to prevent conflicts etc.The main target group are teacher from Elementary school from Rožňava and the second are Roma pupils and Roma students.
Summary of project results
Communities in Eastern Slovakia face growing tension created by the fast growth of the Roma population. Hence, strengthening mutual toleration and cooperation between minorities is essential and of high priority. Sustainability of the project is guaranteed by the long-term cooperation with the elementary school and by our future joint projects based on the so far achieved outputs and results. The project's goal was to create a tolerant atmosphere at the elementary school where both Hungarian and Roma children are studying, to enhance cooperation between the staff and the Roma families, and to decrease the number of conflicts between the school and the families.The project had a positive effect and created solid foundation for future cooperation between minorities. Main outputs of the project: education of the teachers via training ( 13 regularly trainings for 50 teacher , aid for teachers via consultations with specialists ( 8 x consultations for 34 teachers), effective solutions for concrete problems and conflicts,student club, active participation of the students in school activities ( 400 pupils ) Main benefit of the project:better attitude of the teachers towards the families and more effective communication,new knowledge on the topic of coexistence of different minorities, new ideas to improve the environment for teaching and learning, involvement/active participation of the students in the decision making at the school,positive experiences enhancing cooperation and decreasing daily conflicts between teachers and students.
Summary of bilateral results