The project will address the phenomenon of gender-based violence, in particular, the human trafficking in 4 regions of Slovakia. Since the topic of human trafficking is rather comprehensive, the project aims at a specific vulnerable group - women and girls, who according to statistical indicators, are the most vulnerable and hence most frequent victims of exploitation and exploitation-related forms of violence. By using specific thematic documentary movies and series of workshops in four selected schools in 4 different regions, we want to address 60 pupils and students in age group of 14 to 18 years. They will be exposed to the topic of human trafficking, particularly of women and girls, both in Slovakia and on global level. The objective of the action will be to sensitize (and change attitudes) their perception of this phenomenon which might be a potential threat for everyone. Since possible forms and aims of expoitation are diverse, we will expose students mainly to the issues of sexual exploitation, forced marriage, forced begging as well as others, in which women and girls are abused both in Slovakia and in the world. The final activity of the proposed project will aim at 400 students who will get involved at their local school campaigns, in order to increase awareness and form an attitude towards making their peers more sensitive about this issues. These campaigns will culminate with a public event at each participating school during the International Women's Day, on March 8th, 2016. Partner of the project is organization Člověk v tísni, o.p.s. , branch Slovakia.
Summary of project results
The issue of human trafficking is one of the fastest growing activities of international criminal organizations and its part is a violation of fundamental rights and freedom of individuals. Based on the global as well as European and national indicators women and girls are the main victims of this type of crime. The gender aspect in this case plays a big role. With human trafficking, mainly sexual exploitation but also forced marriages and forced labor, are also related other forms of violence to which they are subjected to female victims (eg. physical, mental, emotional ...). Discussing about this issue and sensitizing society is the most effective form of prevention against this crime. The project aimed to sensitize students at primary and secondary schools on the topic of human trafficking and at the same time to build the capacity of teachers, who will be able to use acquired knowledge and skills in their future work with the pupils at primary and secondary schools. Due to the development of methodologies for a workshop on the subject and existing network of schools and youth organizations and youth workers which PIPA created during its long-term work within their project activities can ensure continuity. This topic can be incorporated into workshops for teachers that PIPA regularly organize. The project aimed to increase information and sensitization about women and girls trafficking at the schools and on a local level, and to acquire new skills in implementing educational campaigns. Workshops were attended by 238 students and around 550 other pupils at the schools and 930 people (the wider public) at the local level benefited from the campaigns organized by pupils of participating schools. Pupils together with their teachers were actively involved in the project realized by ourselves and mentioned campaign. The main benefit of the project itself was sensitization of students (as well as teachers) on the subject, what happened on the level of knowledge as well as skills and attitudes, while influence on attitudes of students played a important role in the project.
Summary of bilateral results