Low Plast

Project facts

Project promoter:
Vila Nova da Cerveira Municipality(PT)
Project Number:
Final project cost:
Donor Project Partners:
Det Tverrfaglige Kunstinstitutt(NO)
Other Project Partners
Fundação Bienal de Cerveira
Portuguese Association for Marine Litter(PT)


Knowing the local reality, and raising awareness of the impacts of waste, especially plastics, on the aquatic environment. monitoring activities in the river Minho, including sampling, sorting and quantification of waste collected in the river, replicated in the river Sado. Awareness-raising actions for the dissemination of good practices, aimed at various target audiences and the general public. Artistic installations using waste collected in awareness-raising actions 25 prevention and awareness campaigns supported.

Summary of project results

Plastics are the main category of litter found in monitoring actions in Minho river. They have different utilities, shapes and dimensions, such as plastic bags,  bottles, caps, packaging, balloons, straws, cotton swabs, pieces of styrofoam, fishing nets, fragments of plastic hardly identifiable, plastic resin pellets and even waste water filter components. Another abundant category are cigarette butts. This monitoring actions result from the collaboration between Aquamuseu do rio Minho- Vila Nova de Cerveira Municipality, school groups, citizens, and several entities, with the scope of gathering continuous data about local reality promote awareness raising about littering especially plastic pollution impacts in the aquatic environment.

The main issues were to raise society''s awareness of the consequences on the state of the ocean resulting from choices of goods and services that do not consider environmental impacts, educate for the circular economy, reduce waste production and a new life for water.

The project has three axes of activities: Activity1 - "Plastic goes, plastic comes", where field actions were conducted, by the promoter and APLM to raise awareness about the urgent need to reduce disposable plastics and improve waste value processes, in Vila Nova de Cerveira and Setubal. Stakeholdes from these locations working in fast-food, local shops, restaurants, bars, hotels and local accomodation, as well as the general public, were given the opportunity to contact in loco with litter incidences in rivers, riverbanks and sandy beaches. Activity2 - "Good waves without plastic", two formats of Best Practices Guides to reduce single-use pklastics and expand Circular Economy targeted at general public and HORECA network establishments, a Best Practice Seal was designed to recognize the commitment of the HORECA establishments regarding the reduction of single use plastics. Activity3 - "Reducing with Art", this component had a robust contribution of FBAC and DTK with scientific support from the promoter and APLM, where the artistic interventions, art worls and audiovisual products will capitalize the message of LowPlast project far beyond its lifetime.

The Project gave their contribution for the Outcome 1 - Increased application of circular economy principles in targeted sectors, in particular, to ''Output 1.3 - Reduced contribution from land-based sources of marine plastic littering, 2 CSOs supported; 38 awareness-raising campaigns carried out.  The sum of actions performed in the three complementary activity project axes constituted an excellent opportunity to strengthen the bilateral relations between the beneficiary country and the Donor Country, and to expand the visibility and recognition of EEA Grants brand in Portugal, allowing the public to contact and retain the results and impacts of financed projects such as LowPlast.

Summary of bilateral results

Det Tverrfaglige Kunstinstitutt had collaborated with Fundação Bienal to the development of artistic and multidimensional elements of the awareness raising campaigns on plastic pollution issue. Participation in awareness raising campaigns on marine litter in Minho river and riverbanks. Collaboration in dissemination and communication actions/events.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.