Transilvanian Moviepreneurs

Project facts

Project promoter:
Civitas Foundation for Civil Society - Cluj-Napoca Branch(RO)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Donor Project Partners:
Projects ehf.(IS)
Other Project Partners


Audiovisual heritage is an important factor according to SCPN 2016-2020 and adapting supply and educational methods to the needs of those studying and operating in this sphere presents a challenge. Private initiatives in creative areas, including production and business development in the film industry, are quite low in Romania. Multi-level strategies aim to increase cultural consumption for young people in alternative spaces, an aspect which the project approaches, with orientation towards final beneficiaries. The projects target group includes young professionals aged 20 to 35 working in the field of television, cinema, visual arts, journalism, publishing, involved in the entrepreneurial training program, the Creation Bootcamp, and the broad audience to whom the film produced in the Bootcamp will be addressed. The general objective of the project is consolidation of the cultural-creative ecosystem through the development of professionals’ knowledge in the field of cultural entrepreneurship and cultural cooperation. The specific objectives are the creation of 10 jobs and strengthening the knowledge/expertise of 5 people employed in the project through exchange of experience, job shadowing and mentoring at the partner company in Iceland, strengthening the entrepreneurial spirit and aptitude by developing the entrepreneurial skills of over 40 professionals in the cultural and creative sectors and strengthening the specific competencies of 21 professionals in the film industry. Another objective is the development of the public audience through encouraging 700 people to participate in viewing the produced film on the topics of social, ethnic and cultural minorities. 

Summary of project results

The project contributed to the improvement of professional expertise through the study visit to Iceland of 5 experts employed in the project, the production of a film on sexual minorities, as well as 9 activities to view and discuss this film with 725 participants. The film was produced during a film bootcamp of 12 days for 18 professionals in the film industry. 40 professionals in the cultural and creative sectors have strengthened the specific competencies by the participation at two sessions of entrepreneurship courses where they built a business vision and a business plan.

Summary of bilateral results

The partnership represented a good opportunity to share knowledge and information, which the partners are committed to use in future projects.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.