Friendship and Cooking without Borders

Project facts

Project promoter:
Secondary School, Bor, Plzeňská Street 231(CZ)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
Donor Project Partners:
Fitjar upper-secondary school(NO)

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The aim of the project is to start an intensive cooperation between the Upper Secondary School in Bor and the Norwegian Upper Secondary School in Fitjar. This cooperation will take the form of mutual mobility of pupils. There will be two mobilities, the first in February 2021, when a group of eight cook-waiter students from Bor will attend a partner school in Norway. Students will spend 12 days there and will actively participate in vocational training. A second mobility is planned for March 2021, when a group of six students in the field of "food processing" from a Norway will also spend 12 days in the Czech Republic. During mobility, pupils will spend time together in vocational training to exchange knowledge, expertise and experience gained during their studies.
The project aims to improve language and communication skills, strengthen mutual tolerance, develop competences for lifelong learning and motivate pupils to complete their studies successfully. All the acquired experience, knowledge and skills will help them to improve their position in the labour market in the future.
During the Norwegian visit, the pupils of both schools will be involved in the preparation and organization of the Norwegian Day, which will culminate in the whole activity and aim to acquaint not only the students of Bor High School, but also the general public with the project, Norwegian cuisine and culture.
At the end of the implementation of the project, a book of recipes, which students exchanged and cooked together, will be created. This recipe book will continue to serve pupils in the future. Even after the implementation of the project, both schools plan to stay in touch and continue to support and cooperate with each other.

Summary of project results

The project targeted students in the fields of chef-waiter and food processing with the primary goal of enhancing their prospects in the labour market through international experience, exposure to new recipes and culinary techniques, improvement of  
communication and English language proficiency and motivation to complete their studies. Additionally, the project aimed to foster personal development by encouraging students to step out of their comfort zones, engage with new cultures, and develop decision-making skills. 

The project facilitated two exchange stays for Norwegian and Czech students. Norwegian students from Fitjar Upper-secondary School visited Bor, Czechia, where they immersed themselves in Czech and regional cuisine, explored local culture and visited attractions such as the Pilsner Urquell brewery. Conversely, Czech students from Secondary School Bor travelled to Fitjar, Norway, where they experienced Norwegian gastronomy, learned traditional Norwegian dishes with a modern twist, visited a salmon farm, attended a lecture on stockfish, and explored the region’s highlights. These activities enabled students to develop their skills, gain international travel experience, and cultivate tolerance and appreciation for foreign cultures. Through cooperation with foreign peers, students improved their language, communication, and teamwork skills.

Both exchange visits enriched participants with lasting memories, cultural insights, and potential long-term friendships. The project also sparked ideas for future collaborations between the partnering schools. Students and teachers bonded over shared culinary experiences, leading to the creation of a multilingual project cookbook containing recipes collected during the exchanges.

Summary of bilateral results

The donor partner made a significant contribution through its experience with projects financed by the EEA. Additionally, partnering with a Norwegian institution provided benefits such as exposure to high-level Norwegian gastronomy and access to an effective vocational education system. The main outcome of bilateral cooperation was the mutual exchange of experience and knowledge among participating, leading to improvements in their competences. The visit to the Norwegian secondary school proved highly beneficial for the Czech teachers, including the principal of Bor Secondary School. They gained valuable insights into effective practical teaching methods, particularly in the realm of modern gastronomy. This experience prompted us to reconsider our school´s educational plan and teaching methodologies for vocational subjects in the upcoming years. Moving forward, we intend to maintain contact with our Norwegian partners to seek mentorship and guidance during the implementation of these planned changes.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.