The project addresses the lack of public understanding and knowledge about various marginalised groups and minorities e.g. women, Roma, Hungarians, Jews, Ruthenians, disabled people and so on. This ignorance leads to bias and discrimination and it often starts already in young age. Therefore, we want to present these groups at PRIDE Rainbow Košice, a human rights event, through numbers of various bands and holding public discussions that will bring those groups closer to general public. In this way, people will have the opportunity to learn more about the current situation and challenges that these groups face. Apart from that, workshops will be held at secondary schools with the aim to sensitize young people towards differences and educate them in human rights.
Summary of project results
The project was reflecting on the lack of solidarity between marginalised groups and strived to lay foundation for the presentation of various groups within the PRIDE festival. In this way it wanted to strengthen solidarity in the LGBT community also with other groups facing discrimination. Thanks to the project we established relations with people from other communities (feminists, Roma activists) and we are using these connections in planning future activities, not only as part of the PRIDE Rainbow Košice 2016 (e.g. the Kesaj Tchave Roma dance group will be performing at our Teples ball). The project’s objective was to bring an intersectional view on the violation of human rights and discrimination through the involvement and presentation of various marginalised groups (women, handicapped people, ethnic minorities, Roma people, etc.). Its objective was also to lay foundation for solidarity between various discriminated and marginalised groups, because in the end, we are in this together. PRIDE Rainbow Košice wanted to create space where various minorities and marginalized groups could meet and begin a dialogue on what connects and separates them. The project objective was achieved to great extent. The project’s impact was mainly the fact that we began to think in broader categories of solidarity and about how to involve in our PRIDE work other communities as well. Apart from that, we began to put more emphasis on feminist and anti-racists topics in our communication on Facebook. The project’s outputs were the discussions about feminism, homosexuality in Roma communities and lives of transgender people in the Slovak and Czech Republic and the presentation of female DJ and Roma dance group Kesaj Tchave. We did not involve the target group into the project, or more precisely, it was involved in discussions. The main benefit was the increase in sensitivity towards other marginalised groups, mainly Roma people, both within the PRIDE team and in the target group. We didn’t implement the project in partnership with an organisation from donor country.
Summary of bilateral results