Project facts

Project promoter:
Slovensky Cerveny kriz Kosice(SK)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
Other Project Partners
DOMKO - social services home(SK)


The aim of the project is to improve the position of a vulnerable group - children and young adults with severe disabilities through the following activities: 1. By undergoing Therasuit therapy by professionally trained physiotherapists in Therasuit therapy; 2. Strengthening the social position by creating a supportive community for the target group - recipients of social services, family members and workers in social services in the form of five discussions and 3. Help the inclusion of the disabled by volunteering. The project will help the disabled - both physically and mentally - and will involve 17 disabled people in its activities. The project is being implemented in Košice.

The project partner is DOMKO - Home of Social Services, which participates in activities in the implementation of Therasuit therapy, and also ensures the participation of recipients of social services, family members and workers in the support community in five planned discussions. 

Summary of project results

Main importance of the project was to bring specialized therapy called Therasuit to severely disabled people – clients of the organization and clients of the partner of the project – social services home DOMKO. Two physiotherapists were trained in Therasuit Basic professional therapy  and in Therasuit Advanced professional therapy. Followingly, project helped improve the health of 7 severly disabled children and young adults by undergoing Therasuit therapy.

Another activity of the project was to create a support group for vulnerable group, family members and workers in social services. It was realized in the form of 5 discussions on themes such as civil and human rights, how to strengthen the position of vulnerable groups, economic empowerment of vulnerable groups, new methods and services, etc... After the discussions, proposal aimed at influencing policies, legal regulations and public decisions was created, delivered and discussed with municipality representative together with 6 members of the support group.

Last activity was to inform the majority about the problematics of the vulnerable groups which was held by volunteers of the organization.

Long term impact of the project is expected, especially due to the trained professionals who will continue to deliver the Therasuit therapy to more disabled people.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.