Education of critical thinking teachers in the regions

Project facts

Project promoter:
Slovenská debatná asociácia(SK)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:


The project focuses on development of critical thinking in schools mainly in smaller cities and outside the Bratislava region.

At least 40 teachers will be involved in the project – they will be trained and supported in using debate methodology during regular lessons and in after school classes. Instructors will provide them with online consultations and class visits so they can further improve their skills in critical thinking training. Each teacher will reach about 60 of his students yearly in their teaching practise during lessons (2400 students involved in total) and about 20 of his students in after school classes (800 students involved in total). 

The project will provide a training programme consisting of 4 pillars. The first pillar will be a methodological manual on critical thinking training, which will contain, among other things, sample lessons and exercises on various human rights topics that teachers will use in their classes or seminars. The second pillar will be a training session where they will get acquainted with the basics of the debating method and learn how to work with the method manual. The third pillar will be to support teachers in implementing the methodology in the classroom and in their work with young people in after-school clubs. For this purpose, trainers will provide online consultations and visitations in each participating school. The fourth pillar of the program will be a training session where, in addition to training in advanced methodology, there will be space to share experiences and develop the participating teachers'' own lesson plans. This training session should also serve as a networking opportunity for teachers who will share their working materials, exercises and experiences.

Critical thinking training will touch upon all topics related to human rights, therefore all policy markers can be considered relevant.

Summary of project results

The project aimed to address societal challenges in a polarized environment by promoting critical thinking and open dialogue among youth. Focused on regions beyond major cities, it provided teachers with training in argumentation and academic debate, fostering the skills needed for constructive discussions. Notably, 44 debate clubs were formed, with 36 attributed directly to the project. The ultimate goal was to instill a culture of respectful discourse, evidenced by the positive impact on students and the broader community, as reflected in the successful organization of 30 sample debates across 21 schools.

The project implemented a range of activities aimed at fostering critical thinking and open dialogue among youth, particularly in regions outside major urban centers. To support teachers, the initiative organized comprehensive training sessions on argumentation and academic debate across primary, secondary, and tertiary education levels. These sessions equipped educators with the skills necessary to guide students in engaging, constructive discussions.

Online workshops addressing topics related to information literacy and effective communication were conducted to further enhance teachers'' capabilities. The project also facilitated sample debates within schools, incorporating interactive components to actively involve students in presenting and defending their arguments. Pedagogical support was offered through methodical guides, consultations, and visits to argumentation groups, providing hands-on guidance for educators.

A key focus of the project was to expand debate circles into regions less prone to spontaneous engagement in such activities. Despite challenges, sustainable circles were successfully established in towns like Dolný Kubín, Martin, Zvolen, Galanta, Prievidza, and Prešov, contributing to the broader objective of creating a more inclusive and diverse network of critical thinkers.

The initiative extended beyond teacher-centric activities, encompassing the creation of a vibrant teacher network. This network, comprising nearly 100 educators enthusiastic about innovative educational methods, played a crucial role in the project''s success. Notably, 44 debate clubs, with 36 directly attributed to the project, were established. The culmination of these efforts was evident in the organization of 30 sample debates across 21 schools, showcasing the impact of the project in promoting respectful and constructive discourse among students.

The project''s activities had a profound impact on both educators and students, cultivating critical thinking and fostering open dialogue. Comprehensive teacher training sessions and online workshops equipped educators with tools to guide students in constructive discourse. Sample debates within schools, coupled with interactive components, directly enhanced students'' communication skills and critical thinking abilities. In summary, the project left a positive imprint on the educational landscape, with enhanced skills among educators, active student engagement, lasting debate clubs, and a sustained network contributing to a more dynamic and informed learning environment.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.