According to a representative survey (Bodnárová, Filadelfiová, Holubová) 21.2% of women (18-64 years) in Slovakia are experiencing violence in intimate relationships. There are around 7000 women living in a violent relationship in Turčiansky region. Only 12% of them are seeking help. Civic association Woman in peril has provided assistance and advice to 1124 women experiencing violence in intimate relationships during its 7 years long existence. We aim to strengthen the support for these women and their children. Our objective is to eliminate the violence against women in intimate relationships through the provision of services based on EU standards; promote zero tolerance to violence through campaign Love ≠ violence. In addition to providing the services for women we will reach the students (non-formal education Get off the cycle of violence), female students and seniors (activity Will not be the next) experiencing violence in intimate relationships. The main project objective is to provide specialized advice, assistance and support to women experiencing violence in intimate relationships. In the ŽIlina region Woman in peril is the only clinic that provides specialized services to such women and we exúect to achieve more professional and more focused intensive work in providing assistance to women experiencing violance, who need specific advice, safe space, relevant information and protection. Target groups and beneficiaries are women, their families and children, and public administartion bodies responsible for gender and gender-based violance policies and provision of services.
Summary of project results
Projects have contributed to the reduction of tolerance towards violence against women and children. Our aim was to mitigate the impact of violence, to prevent any future attack and to help the woman with decision making process, but mainly help her within entire process from leaving a violent partner. Therefore, through prevention activities, we decided to spread awareness and promote zero tolerance to violence against women, not only for adults, but also among secondary school youth. We focused specifically on seniors who are still overlooked but very vulnerable group of violence prevention. We were able to accomplish all the planned activities. For the project period we have provided assistance to 899 women experiencing violence in intimate relationships We provided expert advice in 12500 operations (2857 law consultations, 2053 psychological consultations and 697 social consultations). Two workers have completed a course of supervision. The exhibition 'Exit from the cycle of violence "was held in five towns: Žilina, Čadca, Martin, Ruzomberok, Liptovsky Mikulas. Activity “Do not be the next victim” attended 1253 high school students in Turciansky region who attended the lectures, film screenings and discussion - violence against women. Furthermore, 5 discussions in those towns was attended by 407 seniors. During the campaign we handed out 3,500 leaflets to the public. The number of clients who contacted the counseling has increased by 20% compared to 2012. We published 10 articles in regional newspapers, 3 outputs in the electronic media. During the implementation of the campaign 10 volunteers were involved. Women experiencing violence had the opportunity to contact us during the weekends and public holidays – crisis line. We have strengthened the staff capacity. We could expand the skills of supervision, and the various techniques we applied while working with women. We had positive feedback from high schools, they asked us for additional lectures and discussions for the next year and so did Clubs for seniors. The project has helped to maintain and improve services for women in Turčiansky and Žilina region. Assistance to women experiencing violence has become more accessible thanks to the campaign.
Summary of bilateral results