Schools for Democracy - Development, Professionalization and Advocacy

Project facts

Project promoter:
Centrum komunitného organizovania(SK)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
Other Project Partners
Amnesty International Slovakia(SK)


The problem addressed by the project is radicalisation of young people and lack of understanding of the importance of civil society. Lack of personal experience with minorities, lack of discussion, inability to critically evaluate information and its sources opens the door to extremism.

The project seeks to increase sustainability and development of the Schools for Democracy programme (including its accreditation), as well as to increase the number of schools involved in the programme. The Schools for Democracy programme focuses on systematic work with primary and secondary school students, emphasising the values of freedom, equality, democracy, and an open civil society.

The project will seek to develop students'' competences in the field of human rights, de-radicalise them and reduce their stereotypes and prejudices. It will build on open debate and the development of critical thinking, and teach civics, ethics and history differently through critical thinking workshops, Cultures Interactive methodology, living libraries and non-formal human rights education. The types of activities used will be workshops, talks, discussions, living libraries, seminars, etc. The main target group of the project will be primary and secondary school students.

Expected results:

  • 625 students taking part in workshops
  • 25 teachers involved in project activities
  • 20 students of the Faculty of Education participating in the internship
  • 15 schools involved in the project

Amnesty International Slovakia will be involved in the implementation of educational activities, organisation of roundtables, preparation of the proceedings and other activities. REACH will participate in the development of a comparative analysis "Advocacy in relation to educational activities against extremism at the regional and national level" and will thus apply its experience and expertise in the field of analytical outputs and advocacy in the field of prevention and combating extremism and radicalisation.

Summary of project results

The project aimed to address several issues and challenges related to the state of democracy in Slovakia. The project aimed to strengthen and develop the year-round preventive education program "Schools for democracy." The long-term goal was to address the lack of trust in democratic institutions, susceptibility to hoaxes and propaganda, limited personal experiences with minorities, the inability to engage in discussions and critically evaluate information sources, and the disregard for diverse opinions. These issues were seen as threats to democracy in Slovakia.

The project undertook a series of well-structured activities to address challenges within Slovakia''s democratic landscape. These activities encompassed diverse initiatives:

The project facilitated two roundtable discussions, providing a forum for stakeholders to exchange insights and strategies for promoting democracy and countering extremism. Three impactful year-end events, collectively termed "Bodky za školským rokom," served as milestones to showcase achievements and celebrate the culmination of the academic year.

An integral part of the project was a winter online conference, designed to delve into pertinent topics related to democracy, education, and extremism. Additionally, four educational seminars were organized, two of which received accreditation from the Ministry of Education, Science, Research, and Sport of the Slovak Republic, attesting to their educational merit.

A significant focus was placed on engaging primary and secondary school students in the Banská Bystrica Self-Governing Region through 248 workshops. Delivered both online and offline, these workshops covered diverse aspects of democracy, critical thinking, and counter-extremism strategies.

The project extended its duration by five months, demonstrating flexibility and contributing to surpassing the initial engagement target of 676 participants. Noteworthy was the strategic investment in capacity building, with 23 teachers, youth workers, and 55 university students from the Faculty of Arts at Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica benefiting from specialized training.

The project also played a pivotal role in fortifying the financial sustainability of the "Schools for democracy" program. This included obtaining accreditation for education and youth work. Furthermore, the project contributed significantly to the development and professionalization of the program, evidenced by the introduction of new methodologies, the creation of a dynamic website, and the orchestration of roundtable discussions for institutions involved in education against extremism.

The commendable expansion of the program into less developed areas of the Banská Bystrica Self-Governing Region showcased the project''s commitment to inclusivity and broader societal impact. In summary, the project''s diverse activities, spanning discussions, events, conferences, seminars, workshops, and capacity building, underscore its comprehensive approach to promoting democracy and countering extremism in Slovakia.

The project successfully addressed challenges related to democracy in Slovakia by implementing a comprehensive and sustained educational program, engaging various stakeholders, and contributing to the development and expansion of the "Schools for democracy" initiative. 

The project yielded impactful outcomes and far-reaching impacts in advancing democracy and countering extremism in Slovakia. Direct beneficiaries included educators, youth workers, and university students who underwent accredited training, enhancing their skills and knowledge. This capacity building translated into improved educational practices and the effective implementation of the program, directly benefiting primary and secondary school students by fostering critical thinking and awareness of democratic principles.

The project''s broader societal impact extended to less developed regions, where the program''s expansion reached local communities, providing access to essential educational initiatives. The professionalization of the program, marked by new methodologies and a dynamic website, not only benefited educational stakeholders but also had a positive influence on institutions engaged in countering extremism. Overall, the project''s strategic initiatives collectively contributed to building resilience against extremism, promoting democratic values, and fostering collaborative efforts among diverse stakeholders involved in shaping Slovakia''s democratic landscape.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.