Human in the first place - improving services using Human-Centered Design method

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Improve the quality of services and strengthen the sustainability of the entire organization. Using the Human-
Centered Design method, we will achieve a positive impact on 3 levels:

- in the organization: The emergence of an "innovative ecosystem" for identifying needs and effectively implementing
change beyond the project, transforming corporate culture towards openness, enhancing employee autonomy and
- for users and partners: Strengthen the ability to identify and deal with clients needs flexibly and effectively
- systemically: Built an example of good practice for other NGOs

Summary of project results

Apart from the planned creation of several innovations/innovated products and services, the intended change was the actual shift to a learning organization. From the point of view of the innovations created, there will be a need for their long-term monitoring and evaluation of their effectiveness and possible further development. This applies especially to the processes of the learning organization, where we are in the phase of "first swallows" (the first bearers of change), where the phase of reflection and transfer of experience and gradual transfer to other parts of the organization will now follow. The project as a whole opened up and brought fundamental changes in this first phase, but it will need to be further monitored and evaluated in the long term. The benefit of the project are innovations in areas that have been problematic in the organization for a long time and thanks to them it was possible to find new solutions both for the functioning of the organization and for the target groups.
Innovation 1) A methodology has been created for the effective development of the service, as well as cross-sectional services, which will enable the effective execution of the team through the process.
Innovation 2) The emergency care service got its own recognizable brand, brand manual, and its own website - all these tools improve the targeting of the target group of potential customers and clients of the service, and are more usable in the marketing of the service and connected processes.
Innovation 3) Redesign of consultancy, established model of cooperation between services, principle of case management
Innovation 4) During the original creation of the new website in 2018, work with target groups was omitted and the website was created as an image of the organizational structure of the organization, with communication of services "according to services", which did not meet the needs of (potential) clients - overall, this made the service offer unclear and did not allow further development activities. Already during the implementation of the first part (changing the main structure of the website), the organization''s service offer, which meets the needs of (potential) clients, became clearer. After the complete implementation of the change, there should be a leap improvement in the communication of services and content work of the organization.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.