Community Enlightenment Association is growing

Project facts

Project promoter:
Komunitní osvětové společenství z. s.(CZ)
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The project will help the NPO KOS z.s. grow professionally. We will educate KOS members and volunteers and
increase our staffing capacity. We will stabilize our current situation and strengthen our position in the region. We will
acquire skills in project, financial and strategic management, fundraising and PR. We will train ourselves in adventure
and civic education and respectful communication. We provide our members with our own supervision and with
coaching service to reduce the risk of burnout. We will get equipment for realization of new projects.

Summary of project results

We accepted OSF''s challenge to meet as a small organization from a peripheral region with the ACF funder from Norway, to whom we successfully presented our project. We have become an accredited educational institution and have 8 of our own courses accredited by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports, so we are able to implement our own education directly in the region for schools and NGOs, and we are preparing another course for teachers in schools for accreditation. We perceive that we have succeeded in achieving a great qualitative change. We are a respected organization that is itself the initiator of important changes. We were the first to convene a meeting of all NGOs in Chebsk when the war in Ukraine broke out. We proposed a common work procedure to the city of Cheb. We initiated the first community project to support Ukrainian refugees and had the role of supervisor in it. CHLOVEK V TÍSNI promptly provided 1 million crowns to the organization for which we guaranteed. We received another award for volunteering from the Ministry of the Interior, where we took 1st place in competition from all regions. The governor of the Karlovy Vary Region invited us to a joint meeting on that occasion and a comprehensive interview with us was published in the Regional Newspapers. We have our own experts (supervisor and coach) who are available to the entire KOS volunteer base and friendly organizations. Their services are an improvement in the care of members of our community, they are a stabilizing and developmental element. We are able to pass on experience and skills in writing and accounting for large grants. The fact that we have really grown as an organization is also inferred from the fact that I submitted the follow-up grant "We are growing together in the west" which we received. In it, we no longer think only of KOS, but of other organizations that we want to support in our area. We are able to implement projects with added value when the interest of the wider community is a priority. We expanded our expertise and acquired very specific and valuable skills. We get into the role of mentors, able to advise others.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.