Empowered Charity - Get out of your old way!

Project facts

Project promoter:
Charita Svitavy(CZ)
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The aim of Svitavy Charity is to be a modern effective organisation with a strong team and well-prepared internal and
strategic papers. By strengthening the competencies of all employees we want to support our clients in their active,
independent and responsible way of life. Since the empowerment approach in social services is considered as
innovative and unique in our region, we want to learn from our partner which has been successful in this project. The
organisation which empowers and systematically supports socially disadvantaged people, leads to the positive
development of the society.

Summary of project results

The project has a positive long-term impact on the operation of the organization on several levels. 1. The management of the organization has become professionalized in the way of management, which has an impact on all employees, the organization becomes a place where safe communication is carried out and everything is ensured as it should be, both organizationally and operationally. 2. The internal documentation was updated, which ensures a safe and understandable space for clients and employees of the organization, the organization also becomes trustworthy for donors, the register of providers and other entities. 3. Employees have acquired competence and created sufficient methodological basis for new approaches in working with clients, which has a positive impact on the quality of life of clients, especially in areas such as independence, responsibility, support in decision-making, sexuality. 4. By publicly sharing acquired experience and knowledge with the professional public, the organization made a positive impression on other social service providers. services and thus became a place of sought-after internships and internships, which makes it possible to influence and spread positive change to other organizations. We learned to think strategically, to be able to communicate better about our goals and projects, and to obtain the necessary funding for them. Thanks to this, we realized, for example, the creation of a new Home Health Nursing and Palliative Care service and obtained sufficient funds to ensure it. Thanks to the project, we also learned about our limits and the needs of our clients, which is why we decided to establish another new supported housing service that would enable our clients to have a better quality of life according to their ideas. Thanks to intensive work on the topic of the sexuality of people with mental disabilities, we have become among church organizations - Charities - a kind of first swallow promoting the rights of clients in this area, which we want to continue to devote ourselves to and work in the field of education.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.