Connecting Břevnov

Project facts

Project promoter:
Nesedím, sousedím z.s.(CZ)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
Other Project Partners
Sdružení Tejnka
Spolek Pro Břevnov(CZ)
Spolek Živé město(CZ)
Zelený Břevnov
z. s.(CZ)

More information


By strengthening of the Břevnov community, the project aims at creating active neighbors ́ groups that will be trained
in participatory and decision-making processes. First, the project will study the needs and opinions on life quality of
the locals. The research will partly use participatory methods. Its outcomes will be used in setting-up a neighbors ́
counseling center, open discussion forums for the public and local representatives, and to create neighbors ́ groups
that will address local causes. By a workshop, local representatives will be encouraged to open up to participation.

Summary of project results

We are pleased that all planned indicators have been met. We believe that the project has motivated the Břevnov community to become more involved in caring for their surroundings - both in a physical and psychosocial sense. Thanks to the project, the Břevnov community met repeatedly in the community centre Nesedím, sousedím and, thanks to specific activities, named their needs and looked for possible solutions. In total, the project involved 326 people participating in the project. The project was able to meet many articulated needs - to fundraise financial means to support Ukrainian families, to promote participation in the planned changes of public space, to get financial support for a rain bed pilot project and political support to promote community energy. We were also able to start an innovative project “V pátek nejím sám” (Friday I Don''t Eat Alone), which enables senior gatherings while enjoying good food for meals with the help of volunteers, as well as other volunteer activities to support seniors in IT or legal area. The project has also managed to engage a larger number of councillors than expected and, judging by the outcomes, we are confident that the project has motivated many councillors to seek greater cooperation with citizens and the non-profit sector. Another key output for us in the area of cooperation with the City Hall is the current project Město patří všem (City for everyone), in which the town hall is directly involved.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.