Sustainable Energy Audit for Târnăveni educational and cultural buildings

Project facts

Project promoter:
Municipiul Târnăveni(RO)
Project Number:
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The public buildings were built in Târnăveni between 1950 and 1980, without any complex renovations being made since then. A first step towards increasing energy efficiency in these buildings is the development of energy audits to identify both the current technical situation of the buildings and the technical solutions packages that will lead to the increase energy performance and efficiency of the buildings.

The energy audit involves the visual inspection of the building and of the equipment that it serves which includes the engineering calculation of the annual energy consumption. The energy audit report shall provide a detailed image of the feasible solutions and an optimized package of solution in regard to the deep renovation along with a clear life cycle cost-benefit analysis. 

The energy audit would be performed on 2 public buildings belonging to Târnăveni Municipality. The estimated results of the project include a 422 MWh/year decrease which is equivalent to 50% energy saving. CO2 emissions is expected to decrease yearly by 97 tonnes. Finally, the project would provide indoor comfort and air quality for more than 5.700 people.

Summary of project results

The Energy Audits contains feasible solutions and an optimized energy efficiency measures for the 2 buildings owned by Tarnaveni Municipality.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.