Production of Simex furniture with green energy

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The project proposed by Simex is addressing the main concern of the company, the sustainable wood furniture production. The company plans to develop a 400-Kw installed capacity solar plant which can provide electricity for the production equipment. The renewable energy will be enough to sustain approximately 40% - 50% of the daily energy consumption of the production from June to September. It will be able to provide approximately 15% during the winter months. Being able to reach a partial energetic independence, reduce the CO2 emissions and create the premises for a sustainable wood furniture production is meant to ensure the company''s continuity. The company is continually searching for solutions to reduce the energetic consumption and reduce the CO2 emissions, to replace the conventional energy with renewable energy and to grow the overall company energetic efficiency. 

The project is expected to lead to a 364 tonnes/year decrease in CO2 emissions and lead to a creation of 3 new jobs. The goal is also to achieve an annual energy saving of approximately 520 MWh/year.

Simex aims in the next 10 years, to reach at least 70% usage of renewable energy in their production. For a sustainable company, market and profit growth, they believe it is very important to look towards the possibilities of developing several renewable energy plants and to replace, in time, the use of fossil fuels entirely. 

Summary of project results

- Estimated annual CO2 emissions reductions (in tonnes CO2eq/year): 364 tonnes of CO2eq/year – from 10.09.2020 untill 24.11.2020 there was a reduction of 35.897,42 kg of CO2 emissions -  Energy provided test;
- Estimated annual production of energy from other renewable sources (photovoltaic pannels): 520 MWh/year - from 10.09.2020 untill 24.11.2020 there was a total of 51.283,47 kWh energy production - Energy provided test;

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.