Our Journey

Project facts

Project promoter:
Centrum pěstounských rodin z. s.(CZ)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:


The primary target group of the project faces two disadvantages; these are Roma children, adolescents and young adults living in non-Roma foster families. The project aims to empower this disadvantaged group through the development and expansion of existing support activities to actively enforce their right to self-determination and thus strengthen their positive identity. This will take place through direct work with members of this group, enhancing the skills of foster and adoptive parents, and by sharing best practices among the professional community and applicants of a family care.

Summary of project results

This project lasted 2 and a half years. Many families participate in the activities implemented by us for a long time. During that time we can claim the following fact: children whose families participated in the activities of the Amaro Drom project when they were of preschool age, they accept their Roma roots positively. They have built a solid foundation on which they strive to build further. Children who learn about their origin only on the basis of negative reactions from their surroundings often deny it, or on the contrary highlight it in an unhealthy way, but it is very difficult to work with it. There is a need for activities that will work with surrogate families who have adopted a child of a different ethnicity to be more widespread, self-evident and offered to all these families. Child it must be positively introduced to its roots in order to grow into a confident individual. We saw this in the teenagers and young adults involved in the project. Deep personal ties often motivated them for further work, they were able to pass on their experience. Young people who didn''t get involved in activities until their teenage years couldn''t do this, though from the beginning their determination was enormous.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.